Saturday, October 18, 2008

See gynecological appointments to choose when and how?

Diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, and many have to go through check vagina, women with menstruation Laichao cyclical. 应根据月经周期的时间选择诊治时间。 Menstrual cycle should be based on the timing of diagnosis and treatment time. 若就诊时间适宜,不仅有利于疾病的诊断,也有利于治疗。 If the appropriate time to visit is not only conducive to the diagnosis of the disease, but also conducive to treatment. 一般月经期不进行妇科检查 ,因为行经期宫口略有开大,子宫内膜具有创面,检查时极易将细菌带入而引起子宫内膜、 输卵管等生殖器官炎症,处理不好,还可引起长期腰痛、腹痛等毛病。 General menstrual period is not gynecological examinations, as menstrual Bank Palace big mouth slightly open, with endometrial wound, the bacteria would be easy to check into the cause of endometrial, fallopian tubes, such as genital inflammation, handled properly, can also Cause long-term low back pain, abdominal pain, and other illnesses. 另外, 妇科检查时还可将月经脱落的子宫内膜碎片挤入子宫肌壁、输卵管甚至盆腔内,而造成子宫内膜异位,引起逐渐加重的痛经 。 In addition, women can check off period will be endometrial debris into the muscle wall of the uterus, fallopian tubes or pelvic cavity, caused by endometriosis, caused by the gradual increase of dysmenorrhea.
所以做妇科检查的最佳时间是月经干净3天以后,但是,若出现持续性不规则阴道出血,或突然大量出血伴有腹痛、晕厥、肿物出现时,不应机械地等待月经干净后,以免延误病情。 So do gynecological examination is the best time to clean 3 days after menstruation, but if there are persistent irregular vaginal bleeding or bleeding associated with sudden abdominal pain, syncope, the tumor appears, should not wait for the machine to clean menstruation, So as not to delay treatment.
患者在就诊前最好用清水清洗一下外阴部,前一天应避免性交以及阴道用药,以免影响化验检查结果。 In the treatment of patients with the best water before you wash genitals, the day before to avoid vaginal intercourse and drug use, so as not to affect test results.
准备做输卵管通畅性检查,上环或取避孕环、宫颈治疗、宫腔镜检查、宫腔造影等,均应在月经干净后3~7天进行,且在月经后至检查前禁止房事,以防引起感染。 Prepared to do tubal patency check, or take on the ring ring, the treatment of cervical, hysteroscopy, intrauterine imaging, and so on, should be clean after the period from 3 to 7 days, and to check in after the period before the ban on sexual, Anti-caused infection. 而不孕症患者检查卵巢是否排卵做诊断性刮宫时,应在预测行经前12小时或月经来潮初期刮取子宫内膜,而不是在月经后。 Check in patients with infertility and ovarian ovulation whether to do a diagnostic curettage, the forecast should be passing through the 12-hour period or the early Lai Chao Guaqu endometrium, rather than after menstruation.
检查是否妊娠者,应在停经50天左右就诊,此时做妊娠试验多呈阳性反应,且妇科检查子宫增大已较明显。 Check for pregnancy, menopause should be 50 days or so visits, this time to do mostly positive pregnancy tests, gynecological examination and the uterus has been a significant increase. 总之,诊断和治疗的疾病不同,方法不同,需要选择不同的时间,患者需要有所了解,同时也要听从医生的安排。 In short, diagnosis and treatment of different diseases, different methods need to choose a different time, patients need to understand, but also listen to the doctors.

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