Every year some of China's 2,500,000 new cancer patients, most of them at the time of diagnosis, cancer has entered advanced. 早期发现癌症并及时治疗,是现代人拥有健康的生活质量的必要条件。 Early detection and timely treatment of cancer, is a modern man with a healthy quality of life of a necessary condition.
体检是早期发现癌症和癌前病变的重要途径。 Is a physical examination and early detection of cancer, precancerous lesions important way. 体检中各项血液检查指标,B超、X光、肛门直肠指检, 妇科体检中的巴氏涂片、乳腺钼钯摄片等都是常用的筛查肿瘤的方法。 Physical indicators in the blood test, B Super, X-ray, anal digital rectal examination, gynecological examination of Pap smears, breast X-ray film, such as molybdenum palladium are used in screening tumors.
血液检查是体检中查出早期癌症的重要手段,检测血液中各种肿瘤标志物指标是否升高,则可发现、鉴别各种恶性肿瘤。 Blood test is a medical examination found an important means of early cancer detection in the blood of a variety of tumor markers indicators of whether the increase can be found to identify a variety of malignant tumors. 如:甲胎蛋白AFP可查原发性肝细胞癌、生殖腺胚胎性肿瘤。 Such as: alpha-fetoprotein AFP available hepatocellular carcinoma, the embryonic gonad tumors. 癌胚抗原CEA明显升高时,常见有结肠癌、胃癌、 肺癌 、胆管癌;存在肝癌 、乳腺癌、 卵巢癌、胰腺癌时也有升高。 CEA CEA significantly increased, there is a common colon cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, bile duct cancer; the existence of liver cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer has also increased. 糖基抗原CA199可作为胰腺癌、胆管癌的诊断和鉴别指标,肝癌、胃癌、 食道癌 、部分胆管癌的患者亦可见增高。 Glycosylation CA199 antigen as pancreatic cancer, the bile duct Diagnosis and identification of targets, liver, stomach, esophagus, bile duct cancer patients are also part of the increase can be seen. 糖基抗原CA125常用于卵巢癌的诊断,子宫内膜癌、胰腺癌、 输卵管癌也有轻度升高。 Glycosylation CA125 antigen used in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, pancreatic cancer, fallopian tube cancer has increased slightly. 糖基抗原CA153可用于乳腺癌患者的诊断,尤其对于转移性乳腺癌的早期诊断有重要价值。 Sugar-based antigen CA153 can be used in the diagnosis of breast cancer patients, especially in the early diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer has important value. 骨、胶素CY211是肺癌诊断的重要指标。 Bones, plastic-CY211 is an important indicator of lung cancer diagnosis. 前列腺特异抗原PSA是前列腺癌的特异性标志物。 Prostate-specific antigen PSA is a prostate cancer-specific markers.
妇科体检中巴氏涂片:采用巴氏染色的方法,可检测早期宫颈癌,检出率约60%-70%。 Gynecological examination and Pakistan's smear: The Papanicolaou stain method can detect cervical cancer early detection rate of about 60% -70%.
B超:利用彩色多普勒成像技术,可清晰地发现全身大多数器官是否有肿块及病变。 Super B: The use of color Doppler imaging, can be clearly found that the majority of body organs and whether there is a mass lesion.
X线胸片:X线穿过人体后,因器官、组织密度不同呈现影像,由此可直接显示肺部肿瘤,也可通过肺气肿、阻塞性肺炎、胸水等间接性改变寻找胸部肿瘤。 X-ray: X-ray through the body, as a result of organs, tissues of different densities show images, which can show lung cancer, emphysema can also be, obstructive pneumonia, pleural effusion, and so indirectly, to find changes in the chest tumor.
肛门直肠指检:大致可以确定距肛缘7厘米-10厘米的肛门、直肠有无病变和病变的性质。 Anal digital rectal examination: to determine roughly 7 cm from the anal margin of -10 cm of the anus and rectum lesions and whether or not the nature of the disease.
胃镜和肠镜:直接用肉眼观察胃、肠黏膜的色泽、血管纹理、腺体开口形态,来识别有无病变,对可疑病灶可做活检确诊。 Colonoscopy and endoscopy: direct visual observation of stomach, intestinal mucosa of color, texture blood vessels, glands form of openings, to identify any disease, biopsy of suspicious lesions can be diagnosed.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Common gynecological examination
Papanicolaou (Pap) smears vaginal cells
该法既可以用于检查雌激素水平,又可查找癌细胞。 The method can be used to check the level of estrogen, can find cancer cells. 从宫颈刮取细胞检查,看是否可能患癌;建议妇女每年检查一次,从初次性交或年龄18岁时开始检查。 Guaqu cells from the cervix check to see if it might be cancer; recommended for women once a year, from the initial sex or age, 18 years old when Inspection. 这种检查既安全又不费时。 This inspection is not safe and time-consuming.
阴道镜检查 Colposcopy
用10倍双筒放大镜检查子宫颈有无癌变征象,通常在巴氏检查结果异常时作该检查。 10 times with a magnifying glass double check whether cervical cancer symptoms, usually in abnormal Pap test results when the inspection. 阴道镜检查无痛、不需要麻醉,检查时间只需几分钟。 Colposcopy painless, and do not need anesthesia to check the time only a few minutes.
活检 Biopsy
子宫颈和阴道活检,通常在进行阴道镜检查时完成,以便从观察到最不正常的部位获取标本。 Vaginal and cervical biopsy, usually during colposcopy, when completed, in order to observe from the most unusual specimens access to the site. 对外阴小范围的活检可在诊断室内用局麻完成;子宫颈活检通常不需要麻醉。 The vulva of a small biopsy can be used indoors in the diagnosis of the completion of local anesthesia; cervical biopsy usually do not need anesthesia. 怀疑癌症时,要取小于6mm的组织在显微镜下检查。 Suspected cancer, we should take less than 6mm organization under the microscope examination.
宫颈管刮除术 Cervical canal curettage
用一小刮匙伸入子宫颈管刮取宫颈内膜组织。 Using a small spoon scraping the cervix into the possession of cervical Guaqu endometrium. 由病理专家在显微镜下检查,通常在阴道镜检查时完成。 By pathology experts in the examination under a microscope, usually in the timely completion of the colposcopy.
子宫颈锥形切除术(锥形活检) Resection of cervical cone (cone biopsy)
用激光器、电烙器或手术刀,在麻醉下,从子宫颈上切下12-25mm长、18mm宽的组织。 Using laser, scalpel or electrocautery, in anesthesia, cut off from the cervix at 12-25mm long, 18mm wide organizations. 锥形切除术有时用于活检结果异常,进一步诊断或切除异常组织。 Cone biopsy surgery is sometimes used to abnormal results of further diagnosis or the removal of anomalies organizations.
子宫内膜活检 Endometrial biopsy
用一金属或塑料的细管,通过子宫颈进入子宫腔,管子前后左右移动,同时在外端进行抽吸,吸出并收集子宫内膜组织,送实验室检查。 Using a small metal or plastic tube through the cervix into the uterine cavity, the tubes before and after moving around the same time, outer side aspiration, aspiration and the collection of endometrial tissue, to send laboratory. 通常可确诊异常出血的原因。 Usually can be diagnosed with abnormal bleeding. 子宫内膜活检可在诊断室完成,不需要麻醉,就像月经痉挛的感觉。 Endometrial biopsy in the diagnosis room, do not need anesthesia, just like the feeling of menstrual cramps.
子宫镜检查 Uterine examination
用一根约8mm直径的细管,通过子宫颈插入宫腔内,管中有能传送光的光纤装置用来观察黑暗的宫腔,还可有取活检的器械或电烙器。 With a diameter of about 8mm thin tube, inserted through the uterine cervix, the tube can be conveyed in the fiber-optic devices for optical observation of the dark cavity, there is also the biopsy device or electrocautery device. 通常能看到异常出血的来源或其他病变,还能取活检标本和进行缝合或切除。 Normally be able to see the source of abnormal bleeding or other diseases, but also biopsy specimens and stitching or removal. 可在诊断室完成,也可在医院与诊断性刮宫同时进行。 Can be completed in the diagnosis room, but also in hospitals and diagnostic curettage at the same time.
刮宫术(D和C) Operation curettage (D and C)
用金属扩张器扩开子宫颈以便刮匙能进入子宫刮取子宫内膜。 Metal expander expansion in order to blow open the cervix into the uterus to key Guaqu endometrium. 这种手术用于取活检,诊断子宫内膜异常,或不完全流产的治疗。 This surgery for biopsy, diagnosis of endometrial abnormalities, or incomplete treatment of abortion. 不完全流产治疗时,使用的刮匙是塑料的,在外侧端有用来抽吸的装置。 Treatment of incomplete abortion, the use of the key is to scratch the plastic in the outer side to have a suction device. 手术通常在医院用全身麻醉进行。 Surgery is usually used in hospitals for general anesthesia.
子宫输卵管造影术 Hysterosalpingography
用能在X线照片显影的显影剂,通过子宫颈注入宫腔和输卵管,用X线检查。 Can be used in the X-ray photo imaging test reagent, through the cervix into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, using X-ray examination. 常用作不孕原因检查。 Check for common causes of infertility. 检查时可能引起不适,如痉挛等,可服镇静剂。 Inspection may cause discomfort such as cramps, and so on, can serve sedatives.
超声波扫描(频率很高,以致不能听见的声波) Ultrasound scan (very high frequency such that it is no audible sound waves)
通过腹壁或阴道探测内部器官,它能反射出内部结构的图形显示在监视器屏幕上,帮助明确胎儿的情况和大小,诊断胎儿异常,多胎妊娠,输卵管妊娠, 肿瘤 、囊肿或盆腔器官的其他异常。 Through the abdominal wall or vagina to detect the internal organs, it reflected the internal structure of the graphics displayed on the monitor screen to help clear the situation and the size of the fetus, diagnosis of fetal anomaly, multiple pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, cancer, cysts or other abnormalities of the pelvic organs . 超声波扫描是无痛的。 Ultrasound scan is painless. 它也用于羊膜囊穿刺术和其他采集标本的手术。 It is also used to puncture amniotic sac and other surgical specimens.
腹腔镜检查 Laparoscopy
通过肚脐底部作一小切口,插入带光纤的可视细管进入腹腔。 At the bottom of the navel through a small incision, insert a small video with fiber-optic tube into the abdominal cavity. 用二氧化碳膨胀腹部,使腹部和盆腔器官看得更清楚。 Expansion of the abdomen with carbon dioxide so that the abdominal and pelvic organs to see more clearly. 通常腹腔镜用于确诊盆腔疼痛、不孕和其他妇科疾病的原因。 Laparoscopy is usually used for diagnosis of pelvic pain, infertility and other gynecological diseases. 腹腔镜和其他器械一起用于取活检、绝育手术和其他手术;它也可用于人工助孕时回收卵子。 Laparoscopic and other equipment used together with biopsy, surgery and other surgical sterilization; it can also be used for artificial treatment when the egg recovery. 该检查应在医院进行并需要麻醉;有些操作需要局麻,大多数使用全身麻醉。 The inspection should be carried out in hospitals and the need for anesthesia; some operations require local anesthesia, the majority of the use of general anesthesia.
后穹窿穿刺术 After the fornix puncture
穿刺针通过子宫颈后方的阴道壁刺入盆腔,通常在怀疑宫外孕时进行,确定是否有出血。 Needle through the vagina behind the cervix piercing pelvic wall, usually in suspected ectopic pregnancy when carried out to determine whether there is bleeding. 该项检查一般在急诊室进行,不用麻醉。 The general examination in the emergency room, no anesthesia.
该法既可以用于检查雌激素水平,又可查找癌细胞。 The method can be used to check the level of estrogen, can find cancer cells. 从宫颈刮取细胞检查,看是否可能患癌;建议妇女每年检查一次,从初次性交或年龄18岁时开始检查。 Guaqu cells from the cervix check to see if it might be cancer; recommended for women once a year, from the initial sex or age, 18 years old when Inspection. 这种检查既安全又不费时。 This inspection is not safe and time-consuming.
阴道镜检查 Colposcopy
用10倍双筒放大镜检查子宫颈有无癌变征象,通常在巴氏检查结果异常时作该检查。 10 times with a magnifying glass double check whether cervical cancer symptoms, usually in abnormal Pap test results when the inspection. 阴道镜检查无痛、不需要麻醉,检查时间只需几分钟。 Colposcopy painless, and do not need anesthesia to check the time only a few minutes.
活检 Biopsy
子宫颈和阴道活检,通常在进行阴道镜检查时完成,以便从观察到最不正常的部位获取标本。 Vaginal and cervical biopsy, usually during colposcopy, when completed, in order to observe from the most unusual specimens access to the site. 对外阴小范围的活检可在诊断室内用局麻完成;子宫颈活检通常不需要麻醉。 The vulva of a small biopsy can be used indoors in the diagnosis of the completion of local anesthesia; cervical biopsy usually do not need anesthesia. 怀疑癌症时,要取小于6mm的组织在显微镜下检查。 Suspected cancer, we should take less than 6mm organization under the microscope examination.
宫颈管刮除术 Cervical canal curettage
用一小刮匙伸入子宫颈管刮取宫颈内膜组织。 Using a small spoon scraping the cervix into the possession of cervical Guaqu endometrium. 由病理专家在显微镜下检查,通常在阴道镜检查时完成。 By pathology experts in the examination under a microscope, usually in the timely completion of the colposcopy.
子宫颈锥形切除术(锥形活检) Resection of cervical cone (cone biopsy)
用激光器、电烙器或手术刀,在麻醉下,从子宫颈上切下12-25mm长、18mm宽的组织。 Using laser, scalpel or electrocautery, in anesthesia, cut off from the cervix at 12-25mm long, 18mm wide organizations. 锥形切除术有时用于活检结果异常,进一步诊断或切除异常组织。 Cone biopsy surgery is sometimes used to abnormal results of further diagnosis or the removal of anomalies organizations.
子宫内膜活检 Endometrial biopsy
用一金属或塑料的细管,通过子宫颈进入子宫腔,管子前后左右移动,同时在外端进行抽吸,吸出并收集子宫内膜组织,送实验室检查。 Using a small metal or plastic tube through the cervix into the uterine cavity, the tubes before and after moving around the same time, outer side aspiration, aspiration and the collection of endometrial tissue, to send laboratory. 通常可确诊异常出血的原因。 Usually can be diagnosed with abnormal bleeding. 子宫内膜活检可在诊断室完成,不需要麻醉,就像月经痉挛的感觉。 Endometrial biopsy in the diagnosis room, do not need anesthesia, just like the feeling of menstrual cramps.
子宫镜检查 Uterine examination
用一根约8mm直径的细管,通过子宫颈插入宫腔内,管中有能传送光的光纤装置用来观察黑暗的宫腔,还可有取活检的器械或电烙器。 With a diameter of about 8mm thin tube, inserted through the uterine cervix, the tube can be conveyed in the fiber-optic devices for optical observation of the dark cavity, there is also the biopsy device or electrocautery device. 通常能看到异常出血的来源或其他病变,还能取活检标本和进行缝合或切除。 Normally be able to see the source of abnormal bleeding or other diseases, but also biopsy specimens and stitching or removal. 可在诊断室完成,也可在医院与诊断性刮宫同时进行。 Can be completed in the diagnosis room, but also in hospitals and diagnostic curettage at the same time.
刮宫术(D和C) Operation curettage (D and C)
用金属扩张器扩开子宫颈以便刮匙能进入子宫刮取子宫内膜。 Metal expander expansion in order to blow open the cervix into the uterus to key Guaqu endometrium. 这种手术用于取活检,诊断子宫内膜异常,或不完全流产的治疗。 This surgery for biopsy, diagnosis of endometrial abnormalities, or incomplete treatment of abortion. 不完全流产治疗时,使用的刮匙是塑料的,在外侧端有用来抽吸的装置。 Treatment of incomplete abortion, the use of the key is to scratch the plastic in the outer side to have a suction device. 手术通常在医院用全身麻醉进行。 Surgery is usually used in hospitals for general anesthesia.
子宫输卵管造影术 Hysterosalpingography
用能在X线照片显影的显影剂,通过子宫颈注入宫腔和输卵管,用X线检查。 Can be used in the X-ray photo imaging test reagent, through the cervix into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, using X-ray examination. 常用作不孕原因检查。 Check for common causes of infertility. 检查时可能引起不适,如痉挛等,可服镇静剂。 Inspection may cause discomfort such as cramps, and so on, can serve sedatives.
超声波扫描(频率很高,以致不能听见的声波) Ultrasound scan (very high frequency such that it is no audible sound waves)
通过腹壁或阴道探测内部器官,它能反射出内部结构的图形显示在监视器屏幕上,帮助明确胎儿的情况和大小,诊断胎儿异常,多胎妊娠,输卵管妊娠, 肿瘤 、囊肿或盆腔器官的其他异常。 Through the abdominal wall or vagina to detect the internal organs, it reflected the internal structure of the graphics displayed on the monitor screen to help clear the situation and the size of the fetus, diagnosis of fetal anomaly, multiple pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, cancer, cysts or other abnormalities of the pelvic organs . 超声波扫描是无痛的。 Ultrasound scan is painless. 它也用于羊膜囊穿刺术和其他采集标本的手术。 It is also used to puncture amniotic sac and other surgical specimens.
腹腔镜检查 Laparoscopy
通过肚脐底部作一小切口,插入带光纤的可视细管进入腹腔。 At the bottom of the navel through a small incision, insert a small video with fiber-optic tube into the abdominal cavity. 用二氧化碳膨胀腹部,使腹部和盆腔器官看得更清楚。 Expansion of the abdomen with carbon dioxide so that the abdominal and pelvic organs to see more clearly. 通常腹腔镜用于确诊盆腔疼痛、不孕和其他妇科疾病的原因。 Laparoscopy is usually used for diagnosis of pelvic pain, infertility and other gynecological diseases. 腹腔镜和其他器械一起用于取活检、绝育手术和其他手术;它也可用于人工助孕时回收卵子。 Laparoscopic and other equipment used together with biopsy, surgery and other surgical sterilization; it can also be used for artificial treatment when the egg recovery. 该检查应在医院进行并需要麻醉;有些操作需要局麻,大多数使用全身麻醉。 The inspection should be carried out in hospitals and the need for anesthesia; some operations require local anesthesia, the majority of the use of general anesthesia.
后穹窿穿刺术 After the fornix puncture
穿刺针通过子宫颈后方的阴道壁刺入盆腔,通常在怀疑宫外孕时进行,确定是否有出血。 Needle through the vagina behind the cervix piercing pelvic wall, usually in suspected ectopic pregnancy when carried out to determine whether there is bleeding. 该项检查一般在急诊室进行,不用麻醉。 The general examination in the emergency room, no anesthesia.
See gynecological appointments to choose when and how?
Diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, and many have to go through check vagina, women with menstruation Laichao cyclical. 应根据月经周期的时间选择诊治时间。 Menstrual cycle should be based on the timing of diagnosis and treatment time. 若就诊时间适宜,不仅有利于疾病的诊断,也有利于治疗。 If the appropriate time to visit is not only conducive to the diagnosis of the disease, but also conducive to treatment. 一般月经期不进行妇科检查 ,因为行经期宫口略有开大,子宫内膜具有创面,检查时极易将细菌带入而引起子宫内膜、 输卵管等生殖器官炎症,处理不好,还可引起长期腰痛、腹痛等毛病。 General menstrual period is not gynecological examinations, as menstrual Bank Palace big mouth slightly open, with endometrial wound, the bacteria would be easy to check into the cause of endometrial, fallopian tubes, such as genital inflammation, handled properly, can also Cause long-term low back pain, abdominal pain, and other illnesses. 另外, 妇科检查时还可将月经脱落的子宫内膜碎片挤入子宫肌壁、输卵管甚至盆腔内,而造成子宫内膜异位,引起逐渐加重的痛经 。 In addition, women can check off period will be endometrial debris into the muscle wall of the uterus, fallopian tubes or pelvic cavity, caused by endometriosis, caused by the gradual increase of dysmenorrhea.
所以做妇科检查的最佳时间是月经干净3天以后,但是,若出现持续性不规则阴道出血,或突然大量出血伴有腹痛、晕厥、肿物出现时,不应机械地等待月经干净后,以免延误病情。 So do gynecological examination is the best time to clean 3 days after menstruation, but if there are persistent irregular vaginal bleeding or bleeding associated with sudden abdominal pain, syncope, the tumor appears, should not wait for the machine to clean menstruation, So as not to delay treatment.
患者在就诊前最好用清水清洗一下外阴部,前一天应避免性交以及阴道用药,以免影响化验检查结果。 In the treatment of patients with the best water before you wash genitals, the day before to avoid vaginal intercourse and drug use, so as not to affect test results.
准备做输卵管通畅性检查,上环或取避孕环、宫颈治疗、宫腔镜检查、宫腔造影等,均应在月经干净后3~7天进行,且在月经后至检查前禁止房事,以防引起感染。 Prepared to do tubal patency check, or take on the ring ring, the treatment of cervical, hysteroscopy, intrauterine imaging, and so on, should be clean after the period from 3 to 7 days, and to check in after the period before the ban on sexual, Anti-caused infection. 而不孕症患者检查卵巢是否排卵做诊断性刮宫时,应在预测行经前12小时或月经来潮初期刮取子宫内膜,而不是在月经后。 Check in patients with infertility and ovarian ovulation whether to do a diagnostic curettage, the forecast should be passing through the 12-hour period or the early Lai Chao Guaqu endometrium, rather than after menstruation.
检查是否妊娠者,应在停经50天左右就诊,此时做妊娠试验多呈阳性反应,且妇科检查子宫增大已较明显。 Check for pregnancy, menopause should be 50 days or so visits, this time to do mostly positive pregnancy tests, gynecological examination and the uterus has been a significant increase. 总之,诊断和治疗的疾病不同,方法不同,需要选择不同的时间,患者需要有所了解,同时也要听从医生的安排。 In short, diagnosis and treatment of different diseases, different methods need to choose a different time, patients need to understand, but also listen to the doctors.
所以做妇科检查的最佳时间是月经干净3天以后,但是,若出现持续性不规则阴道出血,或突然大量出血伴有腹痛、晕厥、肿物出现时,不应机械地等待月经干净后,以免延误病情。 So do gynecological examination is the best time to clean 3 days after menstruation, but if there are persistent irregular vaginal bleeding or bleeding associated with sudden abdominal pain, syncope, the tumor appears, should not wait for the machine to clean menstruation, So as not to delay treatment.
患者在就诊前最好用清水清洗一下外阴部,前一天应避免性交以及阴道用药,以免影响化验检查结果。 In the treatment of patients with the best water before you wash genitals, the day before to avoid vaginal intercourse and drug use, so as not to affect test results.
准备做输卵管通畅性检查,上环或取避孕环、宫颈治疗、宫腔镜检查、宫腔造影等,均应在月经干净后3~7天进行,且在月经后至检查前禁止房事,以防引起感染。 Prepared to do tubal patency check, or take on the ring ring, the treatment of cervical, hysteroscopy, intrauterine imaging, and so on, should be clean after the period from 3 to 7 days, and to check in after the period before the ban on sexual, Anti-caused infection. 而不孕症患者检查卵巢是否排卵做诊断性刮宫时,应在预测行经前12小时或月经来潮初期刮取子宫内膜,而不是在月经后。 Check in patients with infertility and ovarian ovulation whether to do a diagnostic curettage, the forecast should be passing through the 12-hour period or the early Lai Chao Guaqu endometrium, rather than after menstruation.
检查是否妊娠者,应在停经50天左右就诊,此时做妊娠试验多呈阳性反应,且妇科检查子宫增大已较明显。 Check for pregnancy, menopause should be 50 days or so visits, this time to do mostly positive pregnancy tests, gynecological examination and the uterus has been a significant increase. 总之,诊断和治疗的疾病不同,方法不同,需要选择不同的时间,患者需要有所了解,同时也要听从医生的安排。 In short, diagnosis and treatment of different diseases, different methods need to choose a different time, patients need to understand, but also listen to the doctors.
How to use the diaphragm
Diaphragm before use, the first by a doctor to do gynecological examination, according to the size of the vagina to choose the appropriate model on a trial basis into the diaphragm, and then under the guidance of a doctor in the Institute and out into the methods, until fully able to master the use of date. 如果选用的型号合适,放入后站立、走动、蹲、坐都没有不舒服的感觉,阴道隔膜在阴道内的位置就不会改变。 If you choose the appropriate model into after standing, walking, squatting, sitting did not feel uncomfortable, and diaphragm in the vagina on the location will not change. 放置阴道隔膜前须先排尿,把手洗干净,检查阴道隔膜有无破损现象,然后在阴道隔膜上及弹簧圈上涂上避孕药膏,这样从阴道隔膜边缘进入隔膜内的精子就能被避孕药膏杀死。 Diaphragm placed before voiding, the clean hand to check whether the damaged diaphragm, and then in the diaphragm and coil coating on the pill cream, so from the diaphragm into the divide within the edge of the sperm will be able to have been killed contraceptive cream Death. 放置阴道隔膜多数采取站立弯腰的姿势,即一只脚踩在凳子上。 Diaphragm placed to take most of the bending of the standing position, that is, at the foot of a bench. 也可采用坐式、蹲式或平卧式。 May also sit-and-squat or horizontal level. 放置阴道隔膜时应先将两腿分开,用右手拇指、食指和中指将阴道隔膜捏成狭长形,左手分开阴唇,然后将其沿阴道后壁送入阴道内;弹簧圈的后缘一直顶到阴道后上部,用食指将弹簧圈紧紧托住阴道顶部,恰好把子宫颈盖住,再把阴道隔膜的弹簧圈前缘向上顶在耻骨后面,最后用手指进入阴道内检查阴道隔膜是否将子宫颈盖好,如果没有盖好,应取出重放。 Diaphragm should be placed first legs separated from the right hand with the thumb, index and middle fingers will be long and narrow shape Niecheng diaphragm, to separate the left labia, and then along the posterior wall of the vagina into the vagina; coil has been trailing edge of the roof After the vagina to the upper, with the index finger to hold tightly coil at the top of the vagina, just to cover the cervix, vagina and then divide up the top front coil in the back of pubis, the last finger into the vagina to check whether the diaphragm Will cover the cervix, in the absence of cover should be removed replay. 阴道隔膜放好后即可进行性交,性交后8-12小时才能取出,否则仍有怀孕可能,但最长不宜超过24小时。 Diaphragm can be placed after sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse after 8-12 hours to remove, or else there might be pregnant, but should not be up more than 24 hours. 取出阴道隔膜的姿势同放入时一样,用洗净的手指伸入阴道内钩住弹簧圈轻轻向阴道外拉出即可。 Remove the diaphragm into the same position as when the use of clean fingers into the vagina coils hook inside the vagina to gently be pulled apart. 阴道隔膜取出后用温水或肥皂水洗净擦干,扑上滑石粉放在洁净干燥的盒子中,以备下次再用。 After the diaphragm out with warm water or soapy water to wash dry, clean Pushang powder dry on the box, and then for the next. 一般来说,一个阴道隔膜可以反复使用两年。 In general, a diaphragm can be used repeatedly for two years. 阴道隔膜不要接触油类物质(如凡士林),以免损坏乳胶膜。 Do not touch diaphragm substances other than oil (such as Vaseline), so as to avoid damage to the film emulsion. 阴道隔膜的优点是安全,没有副作用,长期使用对身体健康无影响,也不影响性生活。 Diaphragm has the advantage of safety, no side effects, long-term use had no effect on the health or life of the impact. 由于阴道隔膜的使用方法比较麻烦,目前使用者还不多。 As the diaphragm use is too much trouble to not more than the current user.
Women look at the age should be ahead of Obstetrics and Gynecology
American Medical Association recently recommended that: women for the first time to see the obstetrics and gynecology should be moved up to 13-15 years of age.
因为青春期早期这段时间是提供性教育的最好时机,医生也能借此提供有效的指导和预防性健康照护服务。 Early puberty because this is the best time to provide sex education, doctors can take to provide effective guidance and preventive health care services. 从少女的怀孕率便可以看出,许多少女应该知道的资讯其实并没有被讨论到。 From the rate of teenage pregnancy, we can see that many of the girls should know that in fact the information has not been discussed.
有数据显示85%的女性在少女时期就有强烈的性欲,而三分之一的女性在十六七岁前就已有过性行为。 Statistics show that 85% of women in the period of adolescent girls have strong sexual desire, and one-third of the women in the sixteen or seventeen-year-old has had sex before.
但是女性却很难和别人讨论性问题,而且许多关心少女健康的医生也不太愿意和青少女的父母讨论有关性的话题,因此少女和妇科医生的直接接触就变得格外重要。 However, it is difficult to women and others to discuss issues, and many people concerned about the health of young doctors are reluctant to adolescent girls and their parents to discuss the topic, the girls and gynecologist direct contact has become particularly important. 医师协会的专家认为,这样的就诊经验对于年轻的女性而言,除了能让她们充分了解生育健康知识外,也能借此机会建立一种和医生相互信赖的医患关系,让女性在未来的人生中有能力充分注意和评估自身的健康状况,减少不必要的身体损失和性传播疾病的发生。 The Medical Association experts believe that this kind of treatment experience for young women, in addition to let them fully understand the reproductive health knowledge, but also be able to take this opportunity to establish a doctor and the doctor-patient relationship of mutual trust so that women in the future Life and have the ability to give full attention to its own assessment of the state of health, reduce unnecessary loss of health and sexually transmitted diseases.
因为青春期早期这段时间是提供性教育的最好时机,医生也能借此提供有效的指导和预防性健康照护服务。 Early puberty because this is the best time to provide sex education, doctors can take to provide effective guidance and preventive health care services. 从少女的怀孕率便可以看出,许多少女应该知道的资讯其实并没有被讨论到。 From the rate of teenage pregnancy, we can see that many of the girls should know that in fact the information has not been discussed.
有数据显示85%的女性在少女时期就有强烈的性欲,而三分之一的女性在十六七岁前就已有过性行为。 Statistics show that 85% of women in the period of adolescent girls have strong sexual desire, and one-third of the women in the sixteen or seventeen-year-old has had sex before.
但是女性却很难和别人讨论性问题,而且许多关心少女健康的医生也不太愿意和青少女的父母讨论有关性的话题,因此少女和妇科医生的直接接触就变得格外重要。 However, it is difficult to women and others to discuss issues, and many people concerned about the health of young doctors are reluctant to adolescent girls and their parents to discuss the topic, the girls and gynecologist direct contact has become particularly important. 医师协会的专家认为,这样的就诊经验对于年轻的女性而言,除了能让她们充分了解生育健康知识外,也能借此机会建立一种和医生相互信赖的医患关系,让女性在未来的人生中有能力充分注意和评估自身的健康状况,减少不必要的身体损失和性传播疾病的发生。 The Medical Association experts believe that this kind of treatment experience for young women, in addition to let them fully understand the reproductive health knowledge, but also be able to take this opportunity to establish a doctor and the doctor-patient relationship of mutual trust so that women in the future Life and have the ability to give full attention to its own assessment of the state of health, reduce unnecessary loss of health and sexually transmitted diseases.
Routine gynecological examination should pay attention to the issues
Check the date of inspection should be easy to wear clothes, modest length skirts are the best choice.
检查时间应避开经期,且最好选择月经结束到排卵日之前的这段时间接受检查。 Inspection should avoid menstruation, and the best choice to the end of the period before ovulation during the period examined.
检查的前一天晚上洗澡要选择淋浴,检查前24小时内不能洗阴道内部,因为这样会把不正常分泌物和一些可能透过切片检验到的潜在癌细胞洗掉,影响医生正确诊断。 Check the night before to choose a bath or shower, 24 hours before the check can not be washed within the vagina, because it will abnormal secretions and some may slice through the examination of the potential to wash out cancer cells, the effects of a doctor correctly diagnosed.
检查的前一天晚上不要做爱,因为男方的精液和安全套上的杀精剂都可能出现在第二天的化验样本中,干扰医生的判断力。 Check the night before not to have sex, because the man's semen on the condom and spermicides may appear on the second day of the test samples, interfere with the doctor's discretion.
检查的前一天晚上不要使用任何阴道药物,任何治疗阴道感染的药剂,或者润滑剂等都会影响化验样本,覆盖异常细胞,影响检查结果。 Check the night before not to use any vaginal medicines, no pharmaceutical treatment of vaginal infections, such as lubricants or will affect the analysis of samples, covering abnormal cells and affect the results. 白带标本由妇科医师留取后立即送检,不要耽误。 Leucorrhea specimen from a gynecologist dedicated immediately after the inspection, do not delay.
检查时间应避开经期,且最好选择月经结束到排卵日之前的这段时间接受检查。 Inspection should avoid menstruation, and the best choice to the end of the period before ovulation during the period examined.
检查的前一天晚上洗澡要选择淋浴,检查前24小时内不能洗阴道内部,因为这样会把不正常分泌物和一些可能透过切片检验到的潜在癌细胞洗掉,影响医生正确诊断。 Check the night before to choose a bath or shower, 24 hours before the check can not be washed within the vagina, because it will abnormal secretions and some may slice through the examination of the potential to wash out cancer cells, the effects of a doctor correctly diagnosed.
检查的前一天晚上不要做爱,因为男方的精液和安全套上的杀精剂都可能出现在第二天的化验样本中,干扰医生的判断力。 Check the night before not to have sex, because the man's semen on the condom and spermicides may appear on the second day of the test samples, interfere with the doctor's discretion.
检查的前一天晚上不要使用任何阴道药物,任何治疗阴道感染的药剂,或者润滑剂等都会影响化验样本,覆盖异常细胞,影响检查结果。 Check the night before not to use any vaginal medicines, no pharmaceutical treatment of vaginal infections, such as lubricants or will affect the analysis of samples, covering abnormal cells and affect the results. 白带标本由妇科医师留取后立即送检,不要耽误。 Leucorrhea specimen from a gynecologist dedicated immediately after the inspection, do not delay.
Hypertrophy of the labia minora and the performance of plastic
When the labia minora to FUNG center at the bottom of the labia minora edge of the lateral distance between the more than 4 cm when the mast as the labia minora. 肥大的小阴唇形态各异,小阴唇肥大可以是对称性的,也可以是非对称性的(两侧大小不一)。 Hypertrophy of the labia minora different form, the labia minora hypertrophy can be a symmetry, or non-symmetry (on both sides of the large and small). 可以是先天性的,也可以是后天性的。 Can be congenital, may also be acquired. 后天性的小阴唇肥大多数由于局部的长期慢性刺激或持续磨擦所致. Acquired most of the fat of the labia minora as a result of local or long-term chronic stimulation caused by the continued friction.
肥大的小阴唇不仅在外形上不美观,并使部分患者产生心理障碍,而且给患者生活带来褚多不便。 Hypertrophy of the labia minora, not only in the form Bumei Guan, and some patients have psychological barriers, and to the lives of patients with multi-Chu inconvenience. 如肥大的小阴唇在运动、行走、骑车或久坐时由于局部受挤压和磨擦而感到不适。 If the mast of the labia minora in the movement, walking, cycling or sedentary time due to friction and pressure by local and feeling unwell. 或在月经期由于卫生巾磨擦而疼痛,部分患者在性交时出现阻挡或疼痛不适。 Or menstrual period due to friction sanitary napkins and pain, in some patients when sexual intercourse or pain does not stop.
因此,小阴唇肥大影响正常生活时应手术治疗。 As a result, labia minora mast to be affected normal life in surgery. 然而,由于某些原因,大多数患者都羞于找医生看病,认为是见不得人的病而黙黙忍受痛苦,这是非常错误的想法。 However, for some reason, the majority of patients are ashamed to seek medical treatment, is that people can not see the disease and suffer Summerside Summerside, which is very wrong. 目前开展小阴唇肥大整形术,小阴唇肥大整形术后新形成的小阴唇色泽恢复自然,大小适度,外形美观,局部不遗留瘢痕,无手术后遗症。 At present, to carry out plastic surgery hypertrophic labia minora, labia minora plastic mast after the formation of the new labia minora to restore the natural color, moderate size, beautiful appearance, the scar left by non-local, non-surgical after-effects.
肥大的小阴唇不仅在外形上不美观,并使部分患者产生心理障碍,而且给患者生活带来褚多不便。 Hypertrophy of the labia minora, not only in the form Bumei Guan, and some patients have psychological barriers, and to the lives of patients with multi-Chu inconvenience. 如肥大的小阴唇在运动、行走、骑车或久坐时由于局部受挤压和磨擦而感到不适。 If the mast of the labia minora in the movement, walking, cycling or sedentary time due to friction and pressure by local and feeling unwell. 或在月经期由于卫生巾磨擦而疼痛,部分患者在性交时出现阻挡或疼痛不适。 Or menstrual period due to friction sanitary napkins and pain, in some patients when sexual intercourse or pain does not stop.
因此,小阴唇肥大影响正常生活时应手术治疗。 As a result, labia minora mast to be affected normal life in surgery. 然而,由于某些原因,大多数患者都羞于找医生看病,认为是见不得人的病而黙黙忍受痛苦,这是非常错误的想法。 However, for some reason, the majority of patients are ashamed to seek medical treatment, is that people can not see the disease and suffer Summerside Summerside, which is very wrong. 目前开展小阴唇肥大整形术,小阴唇肥大整形术后新形成的小阴唇色泽恢复自然,大小适度,外形美观,局部不遗留瘢痕,无手术后遗症。 At present, to carry out plastic surgery hypertrophic labia minora, labia minora plastic mast after the formation of the new labia minora to restore the natural color, moderate size, beautiful appearance, the scar left by non-local, non-surgical after-effects.
Hyperplasia of the breast day-to-day attention to the prevention and treatment of eight
In recent years, with the living environment of change, the incidence of breast hyperplasia up soon, the city has become a disease of women a major killer. 一旦患乳腺增生症,除了疼痛、肿块外,患者在情绪上必有烦躁,易怒,恐惧等,生理上有功能下降,如性欲淡漠,月经紊乱,体力下降,尿频等,在病理上多伴有妇科病 ,子宫内膜异位症等。 Once the risk of breast hyperplasia, in addition to pain, tumor, the patient must be emotional irritability, irritability, fear, and so on, have a physiological function, such as lack of sexual desire, menstrual disorders, physical decline, such as frequency, in the pathology With more gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis. 对此未能全身综合标本兼治,久治未果就有转为乳腺癌的危险。 This body can not practice a comprehensive, long-standing rule had failed to breast cancer risk.
怎样防止患乳腺增生,而患者怎样治愈防止癌变呢? How to prevent the proliferation of breast disease, and prevention of cancer patients how to cure it? 有关专家提醒大家: Experts remind you:
1.心理上的治疗非常重要,乳腺增生对人体的危害莫过于心理的损害,因缺乏对此病的正确认识,不良的心理因素过度紧张刺激忧虑悲伤,造成神经衰弱,会加重内分泌失调,促使增生症的加重,故应解除各种不良的心理刺激。 1. Psychological treatment is very important, hyperplasia of the breast is harmful psychological damage as a result of this lack of a correct understanding of the disease, the adverse psychological factors to stimulate concern over the tense sadness, resulting in neurasthenia, will add to endocrine disorders, to Hyperplasia of the increase should be the lifting of a variety of adverse psychological boost. 对心理承受差的人更应注意,少生气,保持情绪稳定,活泼开朗心情即有利增生早康复。 Psychological endurance of the poor people should pay even more attention, less angry and maintaining emotional stability, lively and cheerful mood that is conducive to proliferation of early rehabilitation.
2.改变饮食,防止肥胖少吃油炸食品,动物脂肪,甜食及过多进补食品,要多吃蔬菜和水果类,多吃粗粮。 2. Change in diet to prevent obesity eat less fried foods, animal fats, and too much sweet food tonic, it is necessary to eat more fruits and vegetables, eat more roughage. 黑黄豆最好,多吃核桃,黑芝麻、黑木耳、蘑菇。 The best black bean, eat walnuts, black sesame seeds, black fungus, mushroom.
3.生活要有规律、劳逸结合,保持性生活和谐。 3. To have the law of life, not do any work, to maintain a harmonious sexual life. 可调节内分泌失调,保持大便通畅会减轻乳腺胀痛。 Adjustable endocrine disorders, the stool to keep open will relieve the pain of the breast.
4.多运动,防止肥胖提高免疫力。 4. More exercise to prevent obesity increase the immune system.
5.禁止滥用避孕药及含雌激素美容用品、不吃用雌激素喂养的鸡、牛肉。 5. To prohibit the abuse of contraceptives containing estrogen and beauty products, do not eat with estrogen-fed chicken, beef.
6.避免人流,产妇多喂奶,能防患于未然。 6. To avoid people, more than breast-feeding mothers, to take preventive measures.
7.自我检查和定期复查。 7. Self-examination and review on a regular basis.
8.明确诊断,根据病情制定合理的治疗方案。 8. A clear diagnosis, according to the rational development of the disease treatment. 目前专科采用中药综合治疗,有了突破性进展,效果更为显著。 At present, specialist treatment using traditional Chinese medicine, has been a breakthrough, the effect is more significant. 如乳腺囊肿不论大小时间长短,用药后均在2周左右消失。 Breast cysts, large and small, such as the length of time, after the drug in about 2 weeks away. 对乳腺增生及时纠正内分泌,肿块、胀痛、面部神经可消除,对急性乳腺炎用药后即可缓解疼痛。 Hyperplasia of the breast in a timely manner to correct endocrine tumors, pain, facial nerve can be removed after the treatment of acute mastitis can ease the pain.
怎样防止患乳腺增生,而患者怎样治愈防止癌变呢? How to prevent the proliferation of breast disease, and prevention of cancer patients how to cure it? 有关专家提醒大家: Experts remind you:
1.心理上的治疗非常重要,乳腺增生对人体的危害莫过于心理的损害,因缺乏对此病的正确认识,不良的心理因素过度紧张刺激忧虑悲伤,造成神经衰弱,会加重内分泌失调,促使增生症的加重,故应解除各种不良的心理刺激。 1. Psychological treatment is very important, hyperplasia of the breast is harmful psychological damage as a result of this lack of a correct understanding of the disease, the adverse psychological factors to stimulate concern over the tense sadness, resulting in neurasthenia, will add to endocrine disorders, to Hyperplasia of the increase should be the lifting of a variety of adverse psychological boost. 对心理承受差的人更应注意,少生气,保持情绪稳定,活泼开朗心情即有利增生早康复。 Psychological endurance of the poor people should pay even more attention, less angry and maintaining emotional stability, lively and cheerful mood that is conducive to proliferation of early rehabilitation.
2.改变饮食,防止肥胖少吃油炸食品,动物脂肪,甜食及过多进补食品,要多吃蔬菜和水果类,多吃粗粮。 2. Change in diet to prevent obesity eat less fried foods, animal fats, and too much sweet food tonic, it is necessary to eat more fruits and vegetables, eat more roughage. 黑黄豆最好,多吃核桃,黑芝麻、黑木耳、蘑菇。 The best black bean, eat walnuts, black sesame seeds, black fungus, mushroom.
3.生活要有规律、劳逸结合,保持性生活和谐。 3. To have the law of life, not do any work, to maintain a harmonious sexual life. 可调节内分泌失调,保持大便通畅会减轻乳腺胀痛。 Adjustable endocrine disorders, the stool to keep open will relieve the pain of the breast.
4.多运动,防止肥胖提高免疫力。 4. More exercise to prevent obesity increase the immune system.
5.禁止滥用避孕药及含雌激素美容用品、不吃用雌激素喂养的鸡、牛肉。 5. To prohibit the abuse of contraceptives containing estrogen and beauty products, do not eat with estrogen-fed chicken, beef.
6.避免人流,产妇多喂奶,能防患于未然。 6. To avoid people, more than breast-feeding mothers, to take preventive measures.
7.自我检查和定期复查。 7. Self-examination and review on a regular basis.
8.明确诊断,根据病情制定合理的治疗方案。 8. A clear diagnosis, according to the rational development of the disease treatment. 目前专科采用中药综合治疗,有了突破性进展,效果更为显著。 At present, specialist treatment using traditional Chinese medicine, has been a breakthrough, the effect is more significant. 如乳腺囊肿不论大小时间长短,用药后均在2周左右消失。 Breast cysts, large and small, such as the length of time, after the drug in about 2 weeks away. 对乳腺增生及时纠正内分泌,肿块、胀痛、面部神经可消除,对急性乳腺炎用药后即可缓解疼痛。 Hyperplasia of the breast in a timely manner to correct endocrine tumors, pain, facial nerve can be removed after the treatment of acute mastitis can ease the pain.
Hyperplasia of the breast women do not have to worry too much
Hyperplasia of the breast cancer into a very small probability
最近,许多单位都安排职工进行一年一次的身体检查,许多女性都被医生提醒:“你的乳腺有些增生啊。”这让很多女士非常紧张,生怕和乳腺癌挂上钩。 Recently, a number of units a year for workers arranged medical check-ups, many women have been reminded doctors: "You are some of the hyperplasia of the breast ah." This President is a lot of tension, fear of breast cancer and attach. 专家认为,大家大可不必这么紧张,由乳腺增生演变成癌症的概率很小,只要注意调整自己的情绪,舒缓压力,再配合一些治疗,乳腺增生是不会威胁健康的。 Experts believe that we need not be so nervous by the proliferation of breast cancer into a very small probability, as long as attention to the adjustment of their emotions, to ease the pressure, together with some of the treatment of breast hyperplasia is not a threat to health.
■70%到90%的女性有乳腺增生问题 ■ 70% to 90% of women have problems breast hyperplasia
从目前的情况看,乳腺增生的发病率一直呈现上升的趋势。 At present, the incidence of breast hyperplasia has been on an upward trend. 以前,有这种问题的多半是20岁以上到50岁左右的女性,但现在乳腺增生的病人出现了明显的年轻化,在十几岁的少女中也不少见。 In the past, such issues are mostly over the age of 20 to 50-year-old female, but the proliferation of breast patients showed a clear trend towards younger, teenage girls are not uncommon. 乳腺增生病人主要以中青年女性为主。 Hyperplasia of the breast patients mainly young and middle-aged women. 虽然在这方面没有普遍、具体的调查,但从医院的体检门诊情况来看,有乳腺增生问题的女性可以占到全部来检查女性的70%到90%,如此看来,发病率是相当高的。 In this regard, although not common, specific investigation, but the hospital out-patient medical point of view, there is proliferation of breast problems can account for all women to check the women's 70% to 90% in the case, the incidence is very high The.
■精神因素的影响很大 ■ spirit of the big factors
造成乳腺增生的原因非常复杂,专家们的看法到目前为止也不完全一致,但有两个因素是大家都比较认同的。 Hyperplasia of the breast caused by the very complex reasons, the experts view so far is not exactly the same, but there are two factors that we all agree with the comparison. 一个是内分泌紊乱,如果女性体内卵巢分泌的激素量不太正常,就容易出现这种毛病。 One is the endocrine disorder, if the female body ovarian secretion of the hormone is not the normal volume, it is easy to this problem. 内分泌紊乱的表现还有月经量过多或过少、经期不是很准确等等。 Endocrine disorder of the performance of the amount of menstrual there too much or too little, menstruation is not very accurate, and so on.
另外一个重要的因素就是精神因素。 Another important factor is the mental factor. 以前大家日子过得都差不多,干一样的活,拿一样的钱,没有太多利益上的冲突。 Before you life are almost dry, like a living, get the same money, not too many conflicts of interest. 现在则不同,社会在不断进步,每个人的待遇、机会各不相同,人们很难保持心态的平和。 Now, society is continually growing, everyone's treatment, the opportunity to vary, it is difficult to maintain the calm state of mind. 而且,现代人的精神压力普遍很大,社会对每个人的要求都在提高,而女性面临工作、人际关系、家庭等状况也可能不再像以前那样平稳,而是充满了变动的因素,一些女性因而出现由精神因素引发的内分泌失调、植物神经紊乱,睡不好觉、脾气暴躁,这些都会对乳腺产生不良影响。 Moreover, the modern spirit of the great universal pressure, the community's everyone's demands are increased, while the women face, interpersonal relationships, family status, and so may also not so stable, but is full of changes, some of the Women emerged from the spirit of the factors that caused endocrine disorders, autonomic disorders, sleep feel bad, bad temper, they will have a negative impact on the breast. 还有,现在人们的饮食好了,有高血压、高血糖病的人也很多,这也容易使女性出现内分泌失调,雌激素、黄体酮水平和腺体结构都出现一定程度的紊乱。 In addition, it is now a good diet, high blood pressure, high blood sugar disease, many people, this is easy to make women appear endocrine disorders, estrogen, progesterone level and structure of the glands have a certain degree of disorder.
■乳腺增生并不等于乳癌,有乳腺增生的女性需要警惕四种情况 ■ hyperplasia of the breast does not mean that breast cancer, female breast hyperplasia of the need to guard against four types of situations
乳腺增生和乳腺癌是否有直接的关系,现在仍然不能确定。 Hyperplasia of the breast and breast cancer if there is any direct relationship is still uncertain. 有专家认为,囊性乳腺增生在发展中增生的组织不断坏死,身体受到这种慢性刺激,会不会出现癌变是很难说的。 Some experts think that cystic hyperplasia of the breast in the development of the proliferation of organizations necrosis, chronic stimulation by this body will not have cancer is hard to say. 不过,从目前的研究看,大约只有3%到5%的增生病人出现乳腺癌。 However, the current study, only about 3% to 5% of the proliferation of breast cancer patients. 从另一个方面看,因为乳腺癌是发展很缓慢的癌症,在什么措施都不采取的情况下,它也需要33个月才能发生,所以,即使有乳腺癌,只要积极治疗也是有解决办法的,病人的思想负担不用太大。 From another perspective, because breast cancer is very slow development of cancer, what measures are not taken, it needs 33 months to occur, so that even if there is breast cancer, aggressive treatment as long as there is a solution The patient's burden of not thinking too much.
有乳腺增生的女性如果同时具备下面几种情况就需要警惕了:一是出现乳腺增生的时间较长,二是增生的结节摸上去很多很明显,三是自己的年龄是在40到60岁之间癌症高发期,四是有家族史,如果兼有这几个因素,女性就应该特别注意身体的变化,免得危及健康。 There hyperplasia of the breast at the same time, if women have the following situations will require vigilance: either a long time proliferation of the breast, and the other is nodular hyperplasia feels a lot Obviously, his third in the age 40-60 years old Between the high incidence of cancer, there is a family history of four, if the combination of these factors, women should pay special attention to changes in the body, to avoid endangering the health.
■每个月自我检查乳腺非常重要 ■ monthly breast self-examination is very important
对于普通女性,乳腺的自我检查是非常重要的。 For ordinary women, the breast self-examination is very important. 一个月应该找一个时间平躺或坐下来,用4个手指并拢,平着捋自己的乳房,感觉一下有没有哪个部位有异物感,如果摸起来不太平就可能是长结节的位置。 One should look for a time to sit down or lie flat, with 4 fingers, feet close together and their level of the breast stroke, you feel there are parts which do not have a foreign body sensation, if not feels at peace may be long on the nodule.
检查的时候要特别注意乳房的外上方,因为这个部位腺体 Check the time to pay special attention to the outside top of the breast, as part of the gland
最多,有45%的乳腺增生会发生在这里。 Up to 45% of the hyperplasia of the breast will happen here. 除了外上方较常见外,内上方、内下方、外下方和乳晕处都可能出现增生。 In addition to the top of the more common, with the top, with the bottom, outside and below the areola Department hyperplasia can occur. 有的女性会随着月经的变化,乳房出现胀、轻微的疼痛,这是很正常的现象。 Some women as menstrual changes bulging breasts appear, minor pain, which is quite normal.
有结节但不是弥漫性的,结节不多不硬,可以采取吃中成药的方法治疗或是吃一些西药调节内分泌。 There are nodules, but not the diffuse, non-small hard nodules which can be taken to eat the Chinese medicine treatment or to eat some of the endocrine regulation of Western medicine. 如果是弥漫性的严重增生,经常疼痛,吃药也没有好转,而且持续的时间达到二三年,可以选择手术解决这个问题。 If the diffuse hyperplasia serious and often pain medication does not improve, and achieve sustained period of time in 2023, can choose to surgery to solve this problem. 医生一般建议,结节摸起来很多,范围非常广泛,同时合并淋巴问题,有血性分泌物出现或有乳腺癌家族史的女性做手术,同时,在手术的过程中进行病理检查,排除癌症的风险。 Doctors generally recommended that feels a lot of nodules, a very extensive lymph merger at the same time, there appear bloody secretions or family history of female breast cancer surgery at the same time, in the course of surgery for pathological examination, rule out cancer Risk. 如果自己属于这种比较严重的情况,但又不愿意做手术,那么需要每3到6个月就到医院检查一次,避免出现恶化。 If you belong to such a serious situation, but they do not want an operation, then every 3-6 months for a check to the hospital to avoid deterioration.
女性要保持有规律的生活,不让自己过于疲劳,同时,学着放松心态,自己给自己减轻负担,才是更健康的生活方式。 Women to maintain regular life, not to be too tired at the same time, learn to relax state of mind, to own their own to alleviate the burden, is a healthier way of life.
最近,许多单位都安排职工进行一年一次的身体检查,许多女性都被医生提醒:“你的乳腺有些增生啊。”这让很多女士非常紧张,生怕和乳腺癌挂上钩。 Recently, a number of units a year for workers arranged medical check-ups, many women have been reminded doctors: "You are some of the hyperplasia of the breast ah." This President is a lot of tension, fear of breast cancer and attach. 专家认为,大家大可不必这么紧张,由乳腺增生演变成癌症的概率很小,只要注意调整自己的情绪,舒缓压力,再配合一些治疗,乳腺增生是不会威胁健康的。 Experts believe that we need not be so nervous by the proliferation of breast cancer into a very small probability, as long as attention to the adjustment of their emotions, to ease the pressure, together with some of the treatment of breast hyperplasia is not a threat to health.
■70%到90%的女性有乳腺增生问题 ■ 70% to 90% of women have problems breast hyperplasia
从目前的情况看,乳腺增生的发病率一直呈现上升的趋势。 At present, the incidence of breast hyperplasia has been on an upward trend. 以前,有这种问题的多半是20岁以上到50岁左右的女性,但现在乳腺增生的病人出现了明显的年轻化,在十几岁的少女中也不少见。 In the past, such issues are mostly over the age of 20 to 50-year-old female, but the proliferation of breast patients showed a clear trend towards younger, teenage girls are not uncommon. 乳腺增生病人主要以中青年女性为主。 Hyperplasia of the breast patients mainly young and middle-aged women. 虽然在这方面没有普遍、具体的调查,但从医院的体检门诊情况来看,有乳腺增生问题的女性可以占到全部来检查女性的70%到90%,如此看来,发病率是相当高的。 In this regard, although not common, specific investigation, but the hospital out-patient medical point of view, there is proliferation of breast problems can account for all women to check the women's 70% to 90% in the case, the incidence is very high The.
■精神因素的影响很大 ■ spirit of the big factors
造成乳腺增生的原因非常复杂,专家们的看法到目前为止也不完全一致,但有两个因素是大家都比较认同的。 Hyperplasia of the breast caused by the very complex reasons, the experts view so far is not exactly the same, but there are two factors that we all agree with the comparison. 一个是内分泌紊乱,如果女性体内卵巢分泌的激素量不太正常,就容易出现这种毛病。 One is the endocrine disorder, if the female body ovarian secretion of the hormone is not the normal volume, it is easy to this problem. 内分泌紊乱的表现还有月经量过多或过少、经期不是很准确等等。 Endocrine disorder of the performance of the amount of menstrual there too much or too little, menstruation is not very accurate, and so on.
另外一个重要的因素就是精神因素。 Another important factor is the mental factor. 以前大家日子过得都差不多,干一样的活,拿一样的钱,没有太多利益上的冲突。 Before you life are almost dry, like a living, get the same money, not too many conflicts of interest. 现在则不同,社会在不断进步,每个人的待遇、机会各不相同,人们很难保持心态的平和。 Now, society is continually growing, everyone's treatment, the opportunity to vary, it is difficult to maintain the calm state of mind. 而且,现代人的精神压力普遍很大,社会对每个人的要求都在提高,而女性面临工作、人际关系、家庭等状况也可能不再像以前那样平稳,而是充满了变动的因素,一些女性因而出现由精神因素引发的内分泌失调、植物神经紊乱,睡不好觉、脾气暴躁,这些都会对乳腺产生不良影响。 Moreover, the modern spirit of the great universal pressure, the community's everyone's demands are increased, while the women face, interpersonal relationships, family status, and so may also not so stable, but is full of changes, some of the Women emerged from the spirit of the factors that caused endocrine disorders, autonomic disorders, sleep feel bad, bad temper, they will have a negative impact on the breast. 还有,现在人们的饮食好了,有高血压、高血糖病的人也很多,这也容易使女性出现内分泌失调,雌激素、黄体酮水平和腺体结构都出现一定程度的紊乱。 In addition, it is now a good diet, high blood pressure, high blood sugar disease, many people, this is easy to make women appear endocrine disorders, estrogen, progesterone level and structure of the glands have a certain degree of disorder.
■乳腺增生并不等于乳癌,有乳腺增生的女性需要警惕四种情况 ■ hyperplasia of the breast does not mean that breast cancer, female breast hyperplasia of the need to guard against four types of situations
乳腺增生和乳腺癌是否有直接的关系,现在仍然不能确定。 Hyperplasia of the breast and breast cancer if there is any direct relationship is still uncertain. 有专家认为,囊性乳腺增生在发展中增生的组织不断坏死,身体受到这种慢性刺激,会不会出现癌变是很难说的。 Some experts think that cystic hyperplasia of the breast in the development of the proliferation of organizations necrosis, chronic stimulation by this body will not have cancer is hard to say. 不过,从目前的研究看,大约只有3%到5%的增生病人出现乳腺癌。 However, the current study, only about 3% to 5% of the proliferation of breast cancer patients. 从另一个方面看,因为乳腺癌是发展很缓慢的癌症,在什么措施都不采取的情况下,它也需要33个月才能发生,所以,即使有乳腺癌,只要积极治疗也是有解决办法的,病人的思想负担不用太大。 From another perspective, because breast cancer is very slow development of cancer, what measures are not taken, it needs 33 months to occur, so that even if there is breast cancer, aggressive treatment as long as there is a solution The patient's burden of not thinking too much.
有乳腺增生的女性如果同时具备下面几种情况就需要警惕了:一是出现乳腺增生的时间较长,二是增生的结节摸上去很多很明显,三是自己的年龄是在40到60岁之间癌症高发期,四是有家族史,如果兼有这几个因素,女性就应该特别注意身体的变化,免得危及健康。 There hyperplasia of the breast at the same time, if women have the following situations will require vigilance: either a long time proliferation of the breast, and the other is nodular hyperplasia feels a lot Obviously, his third in the age 40-60 years old Between the high incidence of cancer, there is a family history of four, if the combination of these factors, women should pay special attention to changes in the body, to avoid endangering the health.
■每个月自我检查乳腺非常重要 ■ monthly breast self-examination is very important
对于普通女性,乳腺的自我检查是非常重要的。 For ordinary women, the breast self-examination is very important. 一个月应该找一个时间平躺或坐下来,用4个手指并拢,平着捋自己的乳房,感觉一下有没有哪个部位有异物感,如果摸起来不太平就可能是长结节的位置。 One should look for a time to sit down or lie flat, with 4 fingers, feet close together and their level of the breast stroke, you feel there are parts which do not have a foreign body sensation, if not feels at peace may be long on the nodule.
检查的时候要特别注意乳房的外上方,因为这个部位腺体 Check the time to pay special attention to the outside top of the breast, as part of the gland
最多,有45%的乳腺增生会发生在这里。 Up to 45% of the hyperplasia of the breast will happen here. 除了外上方较常见外,内上方、内下方、外下方和乳晕处都可能出现增生。 In addition to the top of the more common, with the top, with the bottom, outside and below the areola Department hyperplasia can occur. 有的女性会随着月经的变化,乳房出现胀、轻微的疼痛,这是很正常的现象。 Some women as menstrual changes bulging breasts appear, minor pain, which is quite normal.
有结节但不是弥漫性的,结节不多不硬,可以采取吃中成药的方法治疗或是吃一些西药调节内分泌。 There are nodules, but not the diffuse, non-small hard nodules which can be taken to eat the Chinese medicine treatment or to eat some of the endocrine regulation of Western medicine. 如果是弥漫性的严重增生,经常疼痛,吃药也没有好转,而且持续的时间达到二三年,可以选择手术解决这个问题。 If the diffuse hyperplasia serious and often pain medication does not improve, and achieve sustained period of time in 2023, can choose to surgery to solve this problem. 医生一般建议,结节摸起来很多,范围非常广泛,同时合并淋巴问题,有血性分泌物出现或有乳腺癌家族史的女性做手术,同时,在手术的过程中进行病理检查,排除癌症的风险。 Doctors generally recommended that feels a lot of nodules, a very extensive lymph merger at the same time, there appear bloody secretions or family history of female breast cancer surgery at the same time, in the course of surgery for pathological examination, rule out cancer Risk. 如果自己属于这种比较严重的情况,但又不愿意做手术,那么需要每3到6个月就到医院检查一次,避免出现恶化。 If you belong to such a serious situation, but they do not want an operation, then every 3-6 months for a check to the hospital to avoid deterioration.
女性要保持有规律的生活,不让自己过于疲劳,同时,学着放松心态,自己给自己减轻负担,才是更健康的生活方式。 Women to maintain regular life, not to be too tired at the same time, learn to relax state of mind, to own their own to alleviate the burden, is a healthier way of life.
Teach you to deal with seven strokes and breast hyperplasia
Recently, as the environment changes, the incidence of breast hyperplasia up soon, the city has become a disease of women a major killer. 一旦患乳腺增生症,除了疼痛、肿块外,患者在情绪上必有烦躁,易怒,恐惧等,生理上有功能下降,如性欲淡漠,月经,体力下降,尿频等,在病理上多伴有妇科病 ,子宫内膜异位症等。 Once the risk of breast hyperplasia, in addition to pain, tumor, the patient must be emotional irritability, irritability, fear, and so on, have a physiological function, such as lack of sexual desire, menstruation, physical decline, such as frequency, in the pathology more With gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis. 对此未能全身综合标本兼治,久治未果就有转为乳腺癌的危险。 This body can not practice a comprehensive, long-standing rule had failed to breast cancer risk. 怎样防止患乳腺增生,而患者怎样治愈防止癌变呢? How to prevent the proliferation of breast disease, and prevention of cancer patients how to cure it? 北京藏医院妇科 专家提醒大家: Beijing Tibetan Hospital gynecological experts remind you: 1.心理上的治疗非常重要,乳腺增生对人体的危害莫过于心理的损害,因缺乏对此病的正确认识,不良的心理因素过度紧张刺激忧虑悲伤,造成神经衰弱,会加重内分泌失调,促使增生症的加重,故应解除各种不良的心理刺激。 1. Psychological treatment is very important, hyperplasia of the breast is harmful psychological damage as a result of this lack of a correct understanding of the disease, the adverse psychological factors to stimulate concern over the tense sadness, resulting in neurasthenia, will add to endocrine disorders, to Hyperplasia of the increase should be the lifting of a variety of adverse psychological boost. 对心理承受差的人更应注意,少生气,保持情绪稳定,活泼开朗心情即有利增生早康复。 Psychological endurance of the poor people should pay even more attention, less angry and maintaining emotional stability, lively and cheerful mood that is conducive to proliferation of early rehabilitation. 2.改变饮食,防止肥胖少吃油炸食品,动物脂肪,甜食及过多进补食品,要多吃蔬菜和水果类,多吃粗粮。 2. Change in diet to prevent obesity eat less fried foods, animal fats, and too much sweet food tonic, it is necessary to eat more fruits and vegetables, eat more roughage. 黑黄豆最好,多吃核桃,黑芝麻、黑木耳、蘑菇。 The best black bean, eat walnuts, black sesame seeds, black fungus, mushroom. 3.生活要有规律、劳逸结合,保持性生活和谐。 3. To have the law of life, not do any work, to maintain a harmonious sexual life. 可调节内分泌失调,保持大便通畅会减轻乳腺胀痛。 Adjustable endocrine disorders, the stool to keep open will relieve the pain of the breast. 4.多运动,防止肥胖提高免疫力。 4. More exercise to prevent obesity increase the immune system. 5.禁止滥用避孕药及含雌激素美容用品、不吃用雌激素喂养的鸡、牛肉。 5. To prohibit the abuse of contraceptives containing estrogen and beauty products, do not eat with estrogen-fed chicken, beef. 6.避免人流,产妇多喂奶,能防患于未然。 6. To avoid people, more than breast-feeding mothers, to take preventive measures. 7.自我检查和定期复查。 7. Self-examination and review on a regular basis.
Family Therapy vaginitis
Candida vaginitis is a very common problem for women, in fact, as long as more attention to personal hygiene, the use of the fragrance contains a number of health supplies, clothing and more penetrating Shuang has also helped to reduce vaginal infections.
由白色念珠菌引起念珠菌是一种霉菌,它存在於自然界及正常人的口腔、肠道、阴道及皮肤上,它存多种不同菌种,最常见引起阴道炎的是白色念珠菌。 Caused by Candida albicans is a fungus, which exists in the natural world and a normal mouth, gut, vaginal and skin, it kept a wide range of bacteria, the most common cause of vaginitis is Candida albicans. 夏日就快到,又是各种细菌活跃时间,妇女们只要多注意卫生,留意以下贴士,有助对抗阴道炎。 Summer is coming on, and is active in a variety of bacteria, as long as they pay more attention to women's health, note the following tips will help to combat vaginitis.
1.少穿紧身裤:少穿紧身或贴身的裤子如牛仔裤等,夏日宜多穿裙或松身裤,另外亦要避免穿着紧身尼龙内裤,应选择棉质内裤,这是因为女性下体阴暗潮湿,过紧的裤子令下体不通爽,女性患阴道炎机会亦会加。 1. Shaochuan tight: Shaochuan next to the skin or skin-tight pants such as jeans and so on, the more appropriate summer wear skirts or loose pants, and also to avoid wearing tight nylon underwear, cotton underwear should be selected because of female body dark and humid , The tight pants make sense Shuang lower body, women who will be the opportunity to add vaginitis.
2.别用有香味厕纸:为了减低刺激或敏感,还是用无香味的卫生用品,避免使用加添了香剂的卫生巾或厕纸。 2. Do not use scented toilet paper: In order to reduce the stimulation or sensitive, or fragrance-free health supplies, to avoid the use of the addition of a deodorant sanitary towels or toilet paper. 另外,勿胡乱使用消毒药水作清洗阴道之内,以免刺激幼嫩皮肤引致局部皮肤受损甚至发炎。 In addition, not indiscriminately use of disinfection liquid for cleansing the vagina, so as not to stimulate young skin damage and even lead to local inflammation of the skin.
3.抹下体由前至後:注意下体清洁,内裤当然一定要经常清洗乾净,如厕之後用厕纸清洁下体时,应由前至後的方向抹,避免把肛门的细菌带到阴道,引致发炎。 3. Wiped from the lower body to the former post: pay attention to cleaning lower body, underwear, of course, must be regularly cleaned, the toilet bowl with toilet paper after cleaning lower body, the former should be a major contributing factor to the direction to avoid the anus to the vaginal bacteria, Caused by inflammation.
4.夫妇共同治疗:患上阴道炎,应按医生指示,采取正确的药物治疗,如阴道塞药,外用药膏或口服药物等,假使性伴侣同时患有念珠菌感染,宜夫妇共同治疗,以避免互相传染。 4. And his wife co-therapy: suffering from vaginitis, and doctors should be instructed to take the correct medication, such as vaginal plug medicine or ointment for external use, such as oral drugs, if sexual partners at the same time suffer from candidiasis, and his wife should be a common treatment to Each other to avoid infection.
在正常的情况下,女性阴道的酸性环境有助抑制念珠菌增生。 Under normal circumstances, the acidic environment of the vagina help curb proliferation of Candida albicans. 但当阴道的酸硷度随着经期的周期而有所转变时,尤其於月经前,妇女受念珠菌感染的机会便会提高。 But when the pH of the vagina with the degree of menstrual cycle and changes, especially in the period before women Candida infection, there will be higher. 怀孕时因下体的酸硷度的改变,故孕妇较易受念珠菌感染。 When pregnant as a result of the lower body's pH change, so pregnant women are more prone to candida infection. 此外,糖尿病患者、服用口服避孕药、滥用抗生素、服用类固醇药物及抗癌药等亦较易患上阴道炎,故此务必加以留意。 In addition, patients with diabetes taking oral contraceptives, the abuse of antibiotics, steroids and drugs such as anti-cancer drugs more susceptible to vaginitis, so be sure to pay attention.
由白色念珠菌引起念珠菌是一种霉菌,它存在於自然界及正常人的口腔、肠道、阴道及皮肤上,它存多种不同菌种,最常见引起阴道炎的是白色念珠菌。 Caused by Candida albicans is a fungus, which exists in the natural world and a normal mouth, gut, vaginal and skin, it kept a wide range of bacteria, the most common cause of vaginitis is Candida albicans. 夏日就快到,又是各种细菌活跃时间,妇女们只要多注意卫生,留意以下贴士,有助对抗阴道炎。 Summer is coming on, and is active in a variety of bacteria, as long as they pay more attention to women's health, note the following tips will help to combat vaginitis.
1.少穿紧身裤:少穿紧身或贴身的裤子如牛仔裤等,夏日宜多穿裙或松身裤,另外亦要避免穿着紧身尼龙内裤,应选择棉质内裤,这是因为女性下体阴暗潮湿,过紧的裤子令下体不通爽,女性患阴道炎机会亦会加。 1. Shaochuan tight: Shaochuan next to the skin or skin-tight pants such as jeans and so on, the more appropriate summer wear skirts or loose pants, and also to avoid wearing tight nylon underwear, cotton underwear should be selected because of female body dark and humid , The tight pants make sense Shuang lower body, women who will be the opportunity to add vaginitis.
2.别用有香味厕纸:为了减低刺激或敏感,还是用无香味的卫生用品,避免使用加添了香剂的卫生巾或厕纸。 2. Do not use scented toilet paper: In order to reduce the stimulation or sensitive, or fragrance-free health supplies, to avoid the use of the addition of a deodorant sanitary towels or toilet paper. 另外,勿胡乱使用消毒药水作清洗阴道之内,以免刺激幼嫩皮肤引致局部皮肤受损甚至发炎。 In addition, not indiscriminately use of disinfection liquid for cleansing the vagina, so as not to stimulate young skin damage and even lead to local inflammation of the skin.
3.抹下体由前至後:注意下体清洁,内裤当然一定要经常清洗乾净,如厕之後用厕纸清洁下体时,应由前至後的方向抹,避免把肛门的细菌带到阴道,引致发炎。 3. Wiped from the lower body to the former post: pay attention to cleaning lower body, underwear, of course, must be regularly cleaned, the toilet bowl with toilet paper after cleaning lower body, the former should be a major contributing factor to the direction to avoid the anus to the vaginal bacteria, Caused by inflammation.
4.夫妇共同治疗:患上阴道炎,应按医生指示,采取正确的药物治疗,如阴道塞药,外用药膏或口服药物等,假使性伴侣同时患有念珠菌感染,宜夫妇共同治疗,以避免互相传染。 4. And his wife co-therapy: suffering from vaginitis, and doctors should be instructed to take the correct medication, such as vaginal plug medicine or ointment for external use, such as oral drugs, if sexual partners at the same time suffer from candidiasis, and his wife should be a common treatment to Each other to avoid infection.
在正常的情况下,女性阴道的酸性环境有助抑制念珠菌增生。 Under normal circumstances, the acidic environment of the vagina help curb proliferation of Candida albicans. 但当阴道的酸硷度随着经期的周期而有所转变时,尤其於月经前,妇女受念珠菌感染的机会便会提高。 But when the pH of the vagina with the degree of menstrual cycle and changes, especially in the period before women Candida infection, there will be higher. 怀孕时因下体的酸硷度的改变,故孕妇较易受念珠菌感染。 When pregnant as a result of the lower body's pH change, so pregnant women are more prone to candida infection. 此外,糖尿病患者、服用口服避孕药、滥用抗生素、服用类固醇药物及抗癌药等亦较易患上阴道炎,故此务必加以留意。 In addition, patients with diabetes taking oral contraceptives, the abuse of antibiotics, steroids and drugs such as anti-cancer drugs more susceptible to vaginitis, so be sure to pay attention.
Masturbation will cause you vulvovaginitis
Would first like to say that masturbation does not necessarily lead to the perineum vaginal infections and the like, masturbation menstruation itself may not lead to such infections. 感染的可能原因包括:手淫的方式是什么,如果仅刺激阴蒂 ,一般不会造成感染,如果向阴道内捅入异物,则可能造成感染,例如,另一位女孩在手淫时常以裤带、钢笔等物捅入阴道,由于这些不洁物的刺激或它们造成的擦伤,导致感染;如果注意卫生的话,不论采取什么方式的手淫都不应该造成感染,相反,若是手或会阴不清洁,或手淫动作过于剧烈造成损伤时,感染就难免要发生了。 The infection may include: What is the way of masturbation, if only to stimulate the clitoris, generally will not cause infection, if the vagina Tongru foreign body, it may be caused by infection, for example, another girl to masturbate often Kudai, Tongru vaginal pen and other objects, as these stimulate the dirt or abrasions caused by them, leading to infection; If you pay attention to health, there was no way of masturbation should not cause infection, on the contrary, if the perineum or unclean hands, Or move too much masturbation cause severe injury, infection inevitably have taken place. 可见只有不清洁或不适当的(方式或时间或力度)手淫才有可能造成感染。 Can be seen only dirty or inappropriate (or time or effort) masturbation can cause infection. 正如性病是经由性交传染的,但问题不在于性交本身,而在于混乱的性关系。 As sexually transmitted diseases through sexual transmission, but is not a question of sexual intercourse itself, but in the confusion of sexual relations. 其实,国外有的医生还主张通过手淫获得性高潮以缓解痛经呢,可见手淫本身是没有罪过的;另外,手淫也不会引起其他身体损害,所以不必先为手淫而自责。 In fact, some doctors also abroad through masturbation orgasm was to alleviate dysmenorrhea, shows that masturbation is not a sin; In addition, masturbation does not cause other damage to the body, so do not have to masturbate for the first and self-blame. 不懂得手淫无害才是无知的表现。 Do not know how to masturbate is the sound of ignorance. 外阴阴道炎的发生主要因为机体自然的防御机制受到损伤,如外伤、化纤内裤或月经垫的摩擦、粗暴性交或手淫、滥用市面上的一些具腐蚀性的伪劣润滑剂或催欲药、异物或阴道隔膜等避孕工具的刺激、不洁的性交或阴道操作时污染、长期阴道出血或白带过多的刺激、害怕性病或总认为生殖器脏而过分地灌洗,凡此种种均可因机械的、化学的、病原微生物的、菌丛失调的因素等造成感染,其次因为机体的生理状况发生变化,如婴幼儿、经期、孕期、产褥期、绝经期等性激素低落、缺乏或失调时也易遭致感染。 Vulvovaginitis mainly due to the occurrence of the body's natural defense mechanism of injury, such as trauma, and chemical fiber underwear or menstrual pad friction, gross sexual intercourse or masturbation, abuse of the market with some of the corrosive lubricants and inferior or aphrodisiac drugs, foreign bodies Or vaginal contraceptive diaphragm, and so exciting and unclean sexual intercourse or vaginal operation pollution, the long-term leucorrhea vaginal bleeding or excessive stimulation, the fear of sexually transmitted diseases or genital think dirty and over-irrigation, these may be due to mechanical , Chemical, pathogenic micro-organisms, flora imbalance caused by factors such as infection, followed by the body because of a change in physical condition, such as infants and young children, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, such as low sex hormone, or lack of imbalance also easy to invite Infection. 此外,当身体罹患某些疾病如糖尿病时也特别容易出现这类感染,感染的细菌等多来自肛门或不洁的手,例如数过钱的手就很脏,因此便前也要认真洗手,擦试应由前向后。 In addition, when the body suffering from certain diseases such as diabetes, also particularly vulnerable to this type of infection, infection from bacteria such as anal or unclean hands, for example, had a few hands on dirty money, so they have to carefully wash their hands before , Wipe the former should be back. 作为患者自己来讲,除外阴瘙痒、疼痛(刺痛)、烧灼感、肿胀充血、走路时加重等症状外,主要表现在白带的变化,那么自己如何来判断白带的正常与否呢? As the patients themselves, with the exception of vaginal itching, pain (pain), burning sensation, swelling of congestive heart, walking, and other symptoms increase, mainly in leucorrhea changes, how to determine whether or not it leucorrhea normal? 正常时,健康女子都会具有或多或少的白带,其特点是:(1)排卵期的白带像蛋清样透明,可以拉成很长的丝;(2)月经前后可略带些红色,(3)月经后半期量少,拉丝性差。 Normal, healthy women will have more or less leucorrhea, characterized by: (1) of the ovulation period leucorrhea like egg white-like transparent, you can pull into a long wire; (2) before and after menstruation may be slightly more red ( 3) the second half of the menstrual small, poor drawing. 在青春期、月经中期、月经前期、妊娠期、量要多些,其余时间白带的量并不多。 In adolescence, the medium-term period, the menstrual period, pregnancy, the amount should be more, the rest of the day's volume leucorrhea not many. 当白带异常时首先感觉到的是颜色和气味的变化。 When the abnormal leucorrhea first could only see the color and smell. 一般带有较强烈的臭味,其颜色和性状的变化如:豆渣样改变,多见于霉菌感染;乳白有泡沫,多见于滴虫病;水样白带,炎症、特别是各种癌症时多见;脓性白带,颜色发黄,多因感染所致;若是黄绿色且有粘性,挤压尿道可见有脓性分泌物,可能为淋病所致。 General with a strong smell, its color changes and traits such as: change the kind of bean dregs, was particularly prevalent in the fungal infection; white foam are found mostly in trichomoniasis; leucorrhea water samples, inflammation, especially when many kinds of cancer See; leucorrhea purulent, the color yellow, as a result of infections caused by; if there are yellow-green and viscous, squeezing the urethra can see that there is purulent discharge, may gonorrhea caused. 褐色分泌物多伴有阴道溃疡和出血,也见于激素失调时黄体功能不全。 Brown with more than vaginal secretions and bleeding ulcer, also found hormone imbalance when luteal phase defect. 如果发现异常应及时去医院检查治疗,不经医生检查和诊断盲目用药是不行的,所以最后要提醒这位姑娘尽早在症状明显时去医院看病,千万不要因害羞而耽误了病情。 If abnormal should go to the hospital checkup and treatment in a timely manner, without medical diagnosis and treatment is not blind, so I finally want to remind the girl as soon as possible when the symptoms go to the hospital, never shy and held up as a result of the disease. 除此之外,保持每天清洗外阴的良好习惯也是很重要的。 In addition, every day to maintain the good habit of washing the vulva is also very important.
Prevention of fungal vaginitis
Fungal vaginitis, by Candida albicans infection caused by inflammation of the vagina. 白色念珠菌的传染有外源性和内源性两种。 Candida albicans infections are exogenous and endogenous two. 外源性传染,是体外霉菌通过洗浴、医疗器械等间接传染,也可能是通过性生活直接传染。 Exogenous infection is through in vitro fungi bathing, medical equipment such as overhead transmission, or it may be directly transmitted through sexual life. 内源性传染,可能因为白色念珠菌平时就寄居在阴道内,遇到适宜的环境,迅速繁殖致病,妊娠、糖尿病或长期使用抗生素的妇女多见,此因妊娠及糖尿病时阴道上皮细胞富含糖元,长期使用抗生素使阴道内细菌被抑制,失去对霉菌的拮抗作用,从而使霉菌相对增多,肆疟而致。 Endogenous infection, possibly because of Candida albicans to host peace in the vagina, encountered an environment conducive to rapid propagation of disease, pregnancy, diabetes or long-term use of antibiotics mostly women, as a result of pregnancy and diabetes when the vaginal epithelium rich Yuan sugar, so that the long-term use of antibiotics by inhibiting bacteria in the vagina, the loss of the antagonistic fungus, mold so that the relative increase in the market due to malaria.
虽然霉菌性阴道炎发生于局部,但所出现的症状却可以影响全身。 Although the fungal vaginitis occurred in local, but the symptoms can affect the whole body. 许多患者往往由于阴道及外阴奇痒而坐立不安,甚至影响工作、学习和睡眠。 Many patients are often due to vaginal and vulvar Qi Yang and the restless, and even affect the work, study and sleep. 为了保障妇女的身心健康和保护妇女劳动力,当注意防治霉菌性阴道炎。 In order to protect women's health and the protection of women's labor force, attention to the prevention and treatment of fungal vaginitis. 现介绍防治措施供参考。 Prevention and control measures are introduced for reference.
预防 Prevention
1.去除发生霉菌性阴道炎的各种有关因素:对妊娠期妇女务必加强孕期保健工作;对患糖尿病的妇女应积极予以有效的治疗;避免长期、大量使用抗生素,尤其是广谱抗生素更应少用。 1. Occurrence of fungal vaginitis removal of a variety of factors: pregnant women must work to strengthen health care during pregnancy; of women with diabetes should be an effective treatment; avoid long-term, large-scale use of antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum antibiotics more Should be used less.
2.加强妇女卫生保健工作:经常向妇女宣传卫生知识,教育妇女注意外阴及阴道的清洁卫生。 2. To enhance women's health care: the regular promotion of women to health knowledge, education, women's vaginal and vulvar attention to hygiene. 定期进行妇科普查普治工作,以便早发现、早隔离和早治疗。 Regular gynecological Census & P governance with a view to early detection, early isolation and early treatment.
3.对接触女性生殖器官的各种医疗器械务必严格进行消毒,避免交叉感染。 3. Exposure to the female genital a variety of medical devices must be strictly disinfected to prevent cross-infection.
虽然霉菌性阴道炎发生于局部,但所出现的症状却可以影响全身。 Although the fungal vaginitis occurred in local, but the symptoms can affect the whole body. 许多患者往往由于阴道及外阴奇痒而坐立不安,甚至影响工作、学习和睡眠。 Many patients are often due to vaginal and vulvar Qi Yang and the restless, and even affect the work, study and sleep. 为了保障妇女的身心健康和保护妇女劳动力,当注意防治霉菌性阴道炎。 In order to protect women's health and the protection of women's labor force, attention to the prevention and treatment of fungal vaginitis. 现介绍防治措施供参考。 Prevention and control measures are introduced for reference.
预防 Prevention
1.去除发生霉菌性阴道炎的各种有关因素:对妊娠期妇女务必加强孕期保健工作;对患糖尿病的妇女应积极予以有效的治疗;避免长期、大量使用抗生素,尤其是广谱抗生素更应少用。 1. Occurrence of fungal vaginitis removal of a variety of factors: pregnant women must work to strengthen health care during pregnancy; of women with diabetes should be an effective treatment; avoid long-term, large-scale use of antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum antibiotics more Should be used less.
2.加强妇女卫生保健工作:经常向妇女宣传卫生知识,教育妇女注意外阴及阴道的清洁卫生。 2. To enhance women's health care: the regular promotion of women to health knowledge, education, women's vaginal and vulvar attention to hygiene. 定期进行妇科普查普治工作,以便早发现、早隔离和早治疗。 Regular gynecological Census & P governance with a view to early detection, early isolation and early treatment.
3.对接触女性生殖器官的各种医疗器械务必严格进行消毒,避免交叉感染。 3. Exposure to the female genital a variety of medical devices must be strictly disinfected to prevent cross-infection.
Fungal vaginitis "100,000" Why
Fungal vaginitis are the common symptoms? 阴道分泌物增加﹐腥臭味﹐搔痒; 但并不代表有这些症状就一定是霉菌造成的, 只是它是最常见的原因。 Increase in vaginal secretions, Xingchou taste, itching; but does not mean that these symptoms must be caused by mold, but it is the most common causes.
为什么会得这种疾病﹖ Why have the disease? 一般而言﹐念珠菌平常存在于每一位妇女的阴道中﹔正常阴道中有许多嗜酸杆菌﹐它们会使不好的细菌无法生长﹔若是你生活不规律﹐饮食不正常﹐睡眠不足﹐衣著不透气﹐工作繁忙压力大﹐造成抵抗力(也就是免疫系统)减弱﹐阴道中的细菌平衡被破坏而引起的。 In general, Candida usually present in every woman's vagina; normal vaginal Many of eosinophilic bacteria, which cause the bad bacteria can not grow; if you are not the law of life, not the normal diet, lack of sleep, clothing Airtight, with heavy pressure of work, resulting in resistance (that is, the immune system) weakened vaginal bacteria balance has been caused by sabotage.
那些人先天特别容易得霉菌性 阴道炎 ﹖ Congenital those who are particularly vulnerable to a fungal vaginitis? 孕妇﹐糖尿病患者﹐长期(7天以上)服用抗生素﹐类固醇的患者﹐先天免疫不全患者﹐爱滋病患。 Pregnant women, people with diabetes, long-term (7 days) to take antibiotics, steroids in patients with congenital immunodeficiency patients suffering from AIDS.
那些人后天比较容易得霉菌性阴道炎﹖ Easier for those who acquired a fungal vaginitis? 常常使用未稀释强力杀菌剂(沙威隆﹐依必朗之类)冲洗阴道者﹐整天穿著使会阴部不透气的衣著(裤袜﹐牛仔裤﹐护垫)﹐熬夜失眠﹐睡眠不足﹔喜欢刺激性的食物(辣椒﹐咖啡﹐油炸食品)﹐有些服用避孕药的女性﹐居住环境潮湿等等。 Often did not dilute the use of strong fungicides (Shawei Long, Long accordance with the will and the like) vaginal washing, wearing all day to make gas-tight clothing perineum (Tights, jeans, pad), stay up all night insomnia, lack of sleep; like to stimulate Of food (hot pepper, coffee, fried foods), some of the women taking contraceptives, damp living conditions and so on.
没有性行为就不会得到这种疾病﹖ No sex will not get the disease? 不对。 Wrong. 念珠菌阴道炎和性行为没有关系﹐青春期前的少女和停经后的妇女﹐因为缺乏女性荷尔蒙﹐阴道抵抗力减弱﹐也会感染﹐而为阴道分泌物增加﹐与搔痒所苦。 Candida vaginitis, and nothing to do with sex, adolescent girls and pre-menopausal women, because of the lack of female hormones, weakened resistance to the vagina, will be infected, and for the increase in vaginal discharge, itching and suffering.
这是不是我或性伴侣不乾净造成的传染病﹖ This is not my partner or sexual diseases caused by unclean? 不对。 Wrong. 男性若和有念珠菌阴道炎感染的女性接触﹐只会引起生殖器局部搔痒﹐经过冲洗后﹐就没有事了。 If men and women infected with Candida vaginitis contact will only cause partial genital itching, after washing, it does not matter.
怎么样治疗霉菌性阴道炎﹖ Like how the treatment of fungal vaginitis? 经过适度冲洗(清水加少量优碘)后﹐局部抹止痒药膏﹐深部塞阴道片﹐加上口服杀霉菌药物最理想。 After an appropriate wash (plus a small amount of water superior iodide), the local anti-itching cream to clean, deep vaginal plug-chip, combined with oral drugs to kill mold the best. 没有性经验的患者﹐只能用口服及抹药治疗时﹐要选长效及第二代杀霉菌药较理想。 Of the patients did not experience can only be used to clean and oral drug therapy, to be selected and second-generation long-acting drugs to kill mold better.
我常常得到霉菌性阴道炎﹐症状改善了﹐没多久又会复发﹐是不是治不好﹖ I often get fungal vaginitis, the symptoms improved, not how long it will relapse, is not Zhibu Hao?
反覆感染念珠菌阴道炎常见的原因如下﹕ Repeatedly infected with Candida vaginitis common reasons are as follows:
(一)如果你有如上述先天或后天的原因存在﹐而你又没有将它改善﹐阴道炎就不容易治好。 (A) If you like the above-mentioned congenital or acquired causes exist, and you will not improve it, it will be difficult to cure vaginitis.
(二)不完全治疗: 许多病人经过医师第一次诊疗过后﹐症状改善许多﹐但是霉菌并未完全消灭﹐就不再回诊追踪治疗﹐过一阵又会复发。 (B) incomplete treatment: many of the patients after a doctor for the first time after the clinic, many of the symptoms improve, but not the complete elimination of mold, not to return to the attending follow-up, will have a relapse.
如何作阴道冲洗才能预防感染﹖ How to make a vaginal washing can prevent the infection? 冲洗液大约以清水加1/10的水溶性优碘﹐如果是常感染念珠菌阴道炎的妇女﹐大约一周冲洗2-3次﹐月经期每天冲洗。 Liquid rinse water to about 1 / 10 of the water-soluble iodine gifted, if often infected with Candida vaginitis in women, about 2-3 times a week wash, rinse menstrual period each day. 使阴道环境不适念珠菌生存。 Vaginal Candida does not make the environment for survival.
有白带到药房买的阴道片﹐药膏用好不好﹖ Leucorrhea a pharmacy to buy tablets of the vagina, with cream, okay? 常见阴道感染的病源可能是细菌﹐滴虫﹐霉菌等等﹐若没有经过医师内诊判断﹐错用了杀细菌﹐滴虫的阴道塞剂﹐会使霉菌长的更严重﹔某些市售止痒药膏含有可体松(俗称美国仙丹)﹐虽然有止痒效果﹐会使霉菌或细菌长的更严重﹐过几天又会搔痒﹐可谓得不偿失。 Common vaginal infection may be the source of the bacteria, trichomonas, mold, and so on, if not with the attending physician to determine that the killing wrong with bacteria, vaginal trichomoniasis Cypriot agent will mold of a more serious; some Market Itching creams containing cortisone (commonly known as the panacea of the United States), although there are anti-itching effect, bacteria or fungi cause more serious long, a few days will be itching, is worth.
阴道炎会不会感染到腹腔里面? 造成腹膜或骨盆腔发炎? Will vaginal infection inside the abdominal cavity? Caused by inflammation of the peritoneum or pelvic?
通常子宫颈口粘液有相当的保护作用, 除了极少数的细菌性阴道炎, 又不好好治疗的患者之外, 这种顾虑是不必要的. I usually cervical mucus significant protective effect, in addition to a very small number of bacterial vaginosis, without the proper treatment of patients, such worries are unnecessary.
为什么会得这种疾病﹖ Why have the disease? 一般而言﹐念珠菌平常存在于每一位妇女的阴道中﹔正常阴道中有许多嗜酸杆菌﹐它们会使不好的细菌无法生长﹔若是你生活不规律﹐饮食不正常﹐睡眠不足﹐衣著不透气﹐工作繁忙压力大﹐造成抵抗力(也就是免疫系统)减弱﹐阴道中的细菌平衡被破坏而引起的。 In general, Candida usually present in every woman's vagina; normal vaginal Many of eosinophilic bacteria, which cause the bad bacteria can not grow; if you are not the law of life, not the normal diet, lack of sleep, clothing Airtight, with heavy pressure of work, resulting in resistance (that is, the immune system) weakened vaginal bacteria balance has been caused by sabotage.
那些人先天特别容易得霉菌性 阴道炎 ﹖ Congenital those who are particularly vulnerable to a fungal vaginitis? 孕妇﹐糖尿病患者﹐长期(7天以上)服用抗生素﹐类固醇的患者﹐先天免疫不全患者﹐爱滋病患。 Pregnant women, people with diabetes, long-term (7 days) to take antibiotics, steroids in patients with congenital immunodeficiency patients suffering from AIDS.
那些人后天比较容易得霉菌性阴道炎﹖ Easier for those who acquired a fungal vaginitis? 常常使用未稀释强力杀菌剂(沙威隆﹐依必朗之类)冲洗阴道者﹐整天穿著使会阴部不透气的衣著(裤袜﹐牛仔裤﹐护垫)﹐熬夜失眠﹐睡眠不足﹔喜欢刺激性的食物(辣椒﹐咖啡﹐油炸食品)﹐有些服用避孕药的女性﹐居住环境潮湿等等。 Often did not dilute the use of strong fungicides (Shawei Long, Long accordance with the will and the like) vaginal washing, wearing all day to make gas-tight clothing perineum (Tights, jeans, pad), stay up all night insomnia, lack of sleep; like to stimulate Of food (hot pepper, coffee, fried foods), some of the women taking contraceptives, damp living conditions and so on.
没有性行为就不会得到这种疾病﹖ No sex will not get the disease? 不对。 Wrong. 念珠菌阴道炎和性行为没有关系﹐青春期前的少女和停经后的妇女﹐因为缺乏女性荷尔蒙﹐阴道抵抗力减弱﹐也会感染﹐而为阴道分泌物增加﹐与搔痒所苦。 Candida vaginitis, and nothing to do with sex, adolescent girls and pre-menopausal women, because of the lack of female hormones, weakened resistance to the vagina, will be infected, and for the increase in vaginal discharge, itching and suffering.
这是不是我或性伴侣不乾净造成的传染病﹖ This is not my partner or sexual diseases caused by unclean? 不对。 Wrong. 男性若和有念珠菌阴道炎感染的女性接触﹐只会引起生殖器局部搔痒﹐经过冲洗后﹐就没有事了。 If men and women infected with Candida vaginitis contact will only cause partial genital itching, after washing, it does not matter.
怎么样治疗霉菌性阴道炎﹖ Like how the treatment of fungal vaginitis? 经过适度冲洗(清水加少量优碘)后﹐局部抹止痒药膏﹐深部塞阴道片﹐加上口服杀霉菌药物最理想。 After an appropriate wash (plus a small amount of water superior iodide), the local anti-itching cream to clean, deep vaginal plug-chip, combined with oral drugs to kill mold the best. 没有性经验的患者﹐只能用口服及抹药治疗时﹐要选长效及第二代杀霉菌药较理想。 Of the patients did not experience can only be used to clean and oral drug therapy, to be selected and second-generation long-acting drugs to kill mold better.
我常常得到霉菌性阴道炎﹐症状改善了﹐没多久又会复发﹐是不是治不好﹖ I often get fungal vaginitis, the symptoms improved, not how long it will relapse, is not Zhibu Hao?
反覆感染念珠菌阴道炎常见的原因如下﹕ Repeatedly infected with Candida vaginitis common reasons are as follows:
(一)如果你有如上述先天或后天的原因存在﹐而你又没有将它改善﹐阴道炎就不容易治好。 (A) If you like the above-mentioned congenital or acquired causes exist, and you will not improve it, it will be difficult to cure vaginitis.
(二)不完全治疗: 许多病人经过医师第一次诊疗过后﹐症状改善许多﹐但是霉菌并未完全消灭﹐就不再回诊追踪治疗﹐过一阵又会复发。 (B) incomplete treatment: many of the patients after a doctor for the first time after the clinic, many of the symptoms improve, but not the complete elimination of mold, not to return to the attending follow-up, will have a relapse.
如何作阴道冲洗才能预防感染﹖ How to make a vaginal washing can prevent the infection? 冲洗液大约以清水加1/10的水溶性优碘﹐如果是常感染念珠菌阴道炎的妇女﹐大约一周冲洗2-3次﹐月经期每天冲洗。 Liquid rinse water to about 1 / 10 of the water-soluble iodine gifted, if often infected with Candida vaginitis in women, about 2-3 times a week wash, rinse menstrual period each day. 使阴道环境不适念珠菌生存。 Vaginal Candida does not make the environment for survival.
有白带到药房买的阴道片﹐药膏用好不好﹖ Leucorrhea a pharmacy to buy tablets of the vagina, with cream, okay? 常见阴道感染的病源可能是细菌﹐滴虫﹐霉菌等等﹐若没有经过医师内诊判断﹐错用了杀细菌﹐滴虫的阴道塞剂﹐会使霉菌长的更严重﹔某些市售止痒药膏含有可体松(俗称美国仙丹)﹐虽然有止痒效果﹐会使霉菌或细菌长的更严重﹐过几天又会搔痒﹐可谓得不偿失。 Common vaginal infection may be the source of the bacteria, trichomonas, mold, and so on, if not with the attending physician to determine that the killing wrong with bacteria, vaginal trichomoniasis Cypriot agent will mold of a more serious; some Market Itching creams containing cortisone (commonly known as the panacea of the United States), although there are anti-itching effect, bacteria or fungi cause more serious long, a few days will be itching, is worth.
阴道炎会不会感染到腹腔里面? 造成腹膜或骨盆腔发炎? Will vaginal infection inside the abdominal cavity? Caused by inflammation of the peritoneum or pelvic?
通常子宫颈口粘液有相当的保护作用, 除了极少数的细菌性阴道炎, 又不好好治疗的患者之外, 这种顾虑是不必要的. I usually cervical mucus significant protective effect, in addition to a very small number of bacterial vaginosis, without the proper treatment of patients, such worries are unnecessary.
Summer female private part of the three major danger
Summer is vaginitis high season, many female genital itching, and abnormal leucorrhea sit uneasy with some pain when urinating or a sense of sexual intercourse does not seriously affect the quality of life. 由于社会生活方式的复杂多样,有的年轻女性甚至怀疑自己得了性病 ,但又羞于启齿,不敢到医院就诊,结果延误病情。 Due to the complexity of social life and diverse, and some young women even had their own doubts about sexually transmitted diseases, but shame, afraid to go to hospital for treatment, resulting in delay treatment.
虽然阴道炎是女性的常见病,但它可能会引起更为严重的妇科疾病 ,甚至发生癌变,因此对阴道炎千万不能轻视。 Although vaginitis is a common disease of women, but it may lead to more serious gynecological diseases, even cancer, and millions vaginitis therefore not be taken lightly. 白带异常是阴道炎的首要信号。 Vaginitis is a Baidai unusual primary signal. 黄色或黄绿色伴有脓样、臭味的白带,多见于化脓性细菌引起的阴道炎、宫颈炎及子宫内膜炎;豆腐渣样或凝乳状白带伴有外阴部奇痒,多见于阴道霉菌感染;乳白色泡沫状白带伴有外阴部瘙痒,则多为阴道滴虫感染所致。 Yellow with green or yellow pus-like, the smell of leucorrhea, found in suppurative bacterial vaginitis, and cervical endometritis; Java bean curd-like symptoms or with genital leucorrhea Qi Yang, mold found in the vagina Infection; leucorrhea with white foam-like genital itching, mostly due to vaginal trichomoniasis infection. 在日常生活中,预防阴道炎应该注意以下几点: In daily life, the prevention of vaginitis should note the following:
1、在正常的情况下,女性的阴道会自己保持酸碱值的平衡,尽量不要以清洁剂或是消毒药水清洁阴道,甚至过度刷洗。 1, in normal circumstances, women will own vaginal pH balance, so as not to disinfection liquid detergent or cleaning the vagina, or even over-brushing. 这样不仅可能破坏阴道环境的平衡,也有可能造成阴道伤害,所以平时只要以温水冲洗即可。 This will not only undermine the balance of vaginal environment, but also with the potential to cause harm to the vagina, so long as usual to warm water to wash.
2、尽量穿棉质通风的内外裤,保持干爽,平时如果分泌物不多尽量不要用卫生护垫,如果使用就一定要勤更换,以免孳生细菌。 2, as far as possible to wear cotton trousers and external ventilation, keep dry, normal, if not more secretions as much as possible not to use the pad of Health, if used on the ground must be replaced to prevent breeding of bacteria. 少吃刺激性食物:正常情况之下,我们的天然免疫系统会自动应付这些入侵的菌种,所以我们平时就要有健康均衡的饮食,少吃刺激性的食物,让免疫系统正常运动。 Eat less food irritation: Under normal circumstances, our natural immune system will automatically respond to these strains of the invasion, so we should have a normal healthy balanced diet, eat less irritating food, the immune system so that the normal movement.
3、使用抗生素一定要经过医师的同意与处方,因为抗生素虽然可以杀死细菌,却会助长霉菌的孳生,所以千万不要滥用抗生素。 3, the use of antibiotics must be agreed with the doctor's prescription, because antibiotics can kill the bacteria, but encourage the breeding ground for mold, so do not use antibiotics indiscriminately. 许多阴道炎的感染途径都是从性行为所传递的,如果性伴侣过多,就较难掌控是否感染的情况,所以只要性生活单纯,感染阴道炎几率就会大大减少。 Many of vaginal infection from sexual transmission of the, if too many sexual partners, it is difficult to control the infection, so long as the life of a simple, risk of vaginal infection will be significantly reduced. 保持心情愉快也是一种增进免疫力的好方法,另外平常的生活作息也要正常,这样才能让免疫系统正常运作。 In a good mood to keep a good way to enhance immunity, and normal routines of life to normal in order to allow the proper functioning of the immune system.
虽然阴道炎是女性的常见病,但它可能会引起更为严重的妇科疾病 ,甚至发生癌变,因此对阴道炎千万不能轻视。 Although vaginitis is a common disease of women, but it may lead to more serious gynecological diseases, even cancer, and millions vaginitis therefore not be taken lightly. 白带异常是阴道炎的首要信号。 Vaginitis is a Baidai unusual primary signal. 黄色或黄绿色伴有脓样、臭味的白带,多见于化脓性细菌引起的阴道炎、宫颈炎及子宫内膜炎;豆腐渣样或凝乳状白带伴有外阴部奇痒,多见于阴道霉菌感染;乳白色泡沫状白带伴有外阴部瘙痒,则多为阴道滴虫感染所致。 Yellow with green or yellow pus-like, the smell of leucorrhea, found in suppurative bacterial vaginitis, and cervical endometritis; Java bean curd-like symptoms or with genital leucorrhea Qi Yang, mold found in the vagina Infection; leucorrhea with white foam-like genital itching, mostly due to vaginal trichomoniasis infection. 在日常生活中,预防阴道炎应该注意以下几点: In daily life, the prevention of vaginitis should note the following:
1、在正常的情况下,女性的阴道会自己保持酸碱值的平衡,尽量不要以清洁剂或是消毒药水清洁阴道,甚至过度刷洗。 1, in normal circumstances, women will own vaginal pH balance, so as not to disinfection liquid detergent or cleaning the vagina, or even over-brushing. 这样不仅可能破坏阴道环境的平衡,也有可能造成阴道伤害,所以平时只要以温水冲洗即可。 This will not only undermine the balance of vaginal environment, but also with the potential to cause harm to the vagina, so long as usual to warm water to wash.
2、尽量穿棉质通风的内外裤,保持干爽,平时如果分泌物不多尽量不要用卫生护垫,如果使用就一定要勤更换,以免孳生细菌。 2, as far as possible to wear cotton trousers and external ventilation, keep dry, normal, if not more secretions as much as possible not to use the pad of Health, if used on the ground must be replaced to prevent breeding of bacteria. 少吃刺激性食物:正常情况之下,我们的天然免疫系统会自动应付这些入侵的菌种,所以我们平时就要有健康均衡的饮食,少吃刺激性的食物,让免疫系统正常运动。 Eat less food irritation: Under normal circumstances, our natural immune system will automatically respond to these strains of the invasion, so we should have a normal healthy balanced diet, eat less irritating food, the immune system so that the normal movement.
3、使用抗生素一定要经过医师的同意与处方,因为抗生素虽然可以杀死细菌,却会助长霉菌的孳生,所以千万不要滥用抗生素。 3, the use of antibiotics must be agreed with the doctor's prescription, because antibiotics can kill the bacteria, but encourage the breeding ground for mold, so do not use antibiotics indiscriminately. 许多阴道炎的感染途径都是从性行为所传递的,如果性伴侣过多,就较难掌控是否感染的情况,所以只要性生活单纯,感染阴道炎几率就会大大减少。 Many of vaginal infection from sexual transmission of the, if too many sexual partners, it is difficult to control the infection, so long as the life of a simple, risk of vaginal infection will be significantly reduced. 保持心情愉快也是一种增进免疫力的好方法,另外平常的生活作息也要正常,这样才能让免疫系统正常运作。 In a good mood to keep a good way to enhance immunity, and normal routines of life to normal in order to allow the proper functioning of the immune system.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia after sex life
Benign prostatic hyperplasia for benign prostate hyperplasia, in general will not damage the penis of normal structure, it will not affect the endocrine function of blood vessels and nerves. 因此前列腺增生症不会影响患者的性功能,有的前列腺增生症的病人还会出现性欲增强。 Therefore, benign prostatic hyperplasia will not affect the patient's sexual function, and some patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia would appear to enhance sexual desire.
患前列腺增生症后是否还能进行性生活,应辩证地看,一方面性生活可以加重前列腺局部的充血,引起局部腺体进一步增大,可加重排尿困难的症状,严重时甚至可以引起尿潴留;另一方面如过度禁欲,使欲望无法满足,性积聚无法排泄,会使外生殖器性敏感增强,引起勃起,更容易造成前列腺的反复充血,加重前列腺增生。 Suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia but also whether their sex life should be dialectically, on the one hand, can increase the life of the prostate local congestion caused by local glands increase, increasing the difficulty of voiding symptoms, can cause serious and even urinary retention ; On the other hand, such as abstinence over, so that desire can not be met, not the accumulation of discharge, will enhance the sensitive nature of genitalia, causing an erection, the more likely cause of prostate congestive heart repeatedly, increasing the benign prostatic hyperplasia.
因此,前列腺增生症患者应根据实际情况及病情轻重,适度调节性生活,如梗阻症状较轻,病人未发生尿潴留,可保持每月2~3次性生活,如曾经发生过尿潴留或排尿困难明显,病人身体状况不佳,就应该禁止性生活。 As a result, patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia should be based on the actual situation and the severity of the disease, the appropriate changes to the nature of life, such as symptoms of less serious obstruction, no patient retention, to keep two or three times a month of life, such as have occurred in the urine or urinary retention Obviously difficult, patients in poor health, sex life should be banned.
(一)生活护理 (A) life care
1. 1. 保持乐观情绪,坚持体育锻炼,减少局部血液淤滞。 To maintain optimism, insist on physical activity and reduce local blood stasis.
2. 2. 不要憋尿,一有尿意应立即排出。 Bieniao not, there is a urine intended to be discharged immediately.
3. 3. 保持大便通畅。 Stool to keep open.
4. 4. 不宜久坐和长时间骑自行车,以免前列腺部血流不畅。 Should not be sedentary for a long time and riding a bicycle in order to avoid prostate Ministry of poor blood flow.
5. 5. 性生活不宜过度频繁。 Sex life should not be too frequent.
6。 6. 衣着要暖和,避免着凉感冒。 Warm clothing to avoid cold cold.
7. 7. 忌服阿托品一类药物,以免发生急性尿潴留。 Jifu a class of drug atropine, in order to avoid acute urinary retention.
(二)饮食疗法 (B) diet
1. 1. 饮食上注意少食甜、酸、辛辣食品,多食蔬菜、大豆制品及粗粮,适量食用鸡蛋、牛肉、种子类食物如核桃、南瓜子、葵花子等。 Food deprivation on attention to the sweet, sour, spicy food, eat more vegetables, coarse grains and soybean products, moderate consumption of eggs, beef, vegetables such as walnut seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and so on.
2. 2. 若膀胱有热,尿道涩痛,可饮用绿豆场或食绿豆粥。 If the Heat have the bladder, urethra pain Shibuya, potable fresh green beans or mung bean porridge field. 亦可用黑木耳煎汤服或凉拌黑木耳食之。 Jian Tang is also a black fungus salad or serve food on the black fungus.
3. 3. 豆瓣酱是降低前列腺增生症及肠癌发病率的良药,食之益。 Bean paste is benign prostatic hyperplasia and reduce the incidence of cancer medicine, food is beneficial.
4. 4. 禁饮酒。 Ban alcohol.
患前列腺增生症后是否还能进行性生活,应辩证地看,一方面性生活可以加重前列腺局部的充血,引起局部腺体进一步增大,可加重排尿困难的症状,严重时甚至可以引起尿潴留;另一方面如过度禁欲,使欲望无法满足,性积聚无法排泄,会使外生殖器性敏感增强,引起勃起,更容易造成前列腺的反复充血,加重前列腺增生。 Suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia but also whether their sex life should be dialectically, on the one hand, can increase the life of the prostate local congestion caused by local glands increase, increasing the difficulty of voiding symptoms, can cause serious and even urinary retention ; On the other hand, such as abstinence over, so that desire can not be met, not the accumulation of discharge, will enhance the sensitive nature of genitalia, causing an erection, the more likely cause of prostate congestive heart repeatedly, increasing the benign prostatic hyperplasia.
因此,前列腺增生症患者应根据实际情况及病情轻重,适度调节性生活,如梗阻症状较轻,病人未发生尿潴留,可保持每月2~3次性生活,如曾经发生过尿潴留或排尿困难明显,病人身体状况不佳,就应该禁止性生活。 As a result, patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia should be based on the actual situation and the severity of the disease, the appropriate changes to the nature of life, such as symptoms of less serious obstruction, no patient retention, to keep two or three times a month of life, such as have occurred in the urine or urinary retention Obviously difficult, patients in poor health, sex life should be banned.
(一)生活护理 (A) life care
1. 1. 保持乐观情绪,坚持体育锻炼,减少局部血液淤滞。 To maintain optimism, insist on physical activity and reduce local blood stasis.
2. 2. 不要憋尿,一有尿意应立即排出。 Bieniao not, there is a urine intended to be discharged immediately.
3. 3. 保持大便通畅。 Stool to keep open.
4. 4. 不宜久坐和长时间骑自行车,以免前列腺部血流不畅。 Should not be sedentary for a long time and riding a bicycle in order to avoid prostate Ministry of poor blood flow.
5. 5. 性生活不宜过度频繁。 Sex life should not be too frequent.
6。 6. 衣着要暖和,避免着凉感冒。 Warm clothing to avoid cold cold.
7. 7. 忌服阿托品一类药物,以免发生急性尿潴留。 Jifu a class of drug atropine, in order to avoid acute urinary retention.
(二)饮食疗法 (B) diet
1. 1. 饮食上注意少食甜、酸、辛辣食品,多食蔬菜、大豆制品及粗粮,适量食用鸡蛋、牛肉、种子类食物如核桃、南瓜子、葵花子等。 Food deprivation on attention to the sweet, sour, spicy food, eat more vegetables, coarse grains and soybean products, moderate consumption of eggs, beef, vegetables such as walnut seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and so on.
2. 2. 若膀胱有热,尿道涩痛,可饮用绿豆场或食绿豆粥。 If the Heat have the bladder, urethra pain Shibuya, potable fresh green beans or mung bean porridge field. 亦可用黑木耳煎汤服或凉拌黑木耳食之。 Jian Tang is also a black fungus salad or serve food on the black fungus.
3. 3. 豆瓣酱是降低前列腺增生症及肠癌发病率的良药,食之益。 Bean paste is benign prostatic hyperplasia and reduce the incidence of cancer medicine, food is beneficial.
4. 4. 禁饮酒。 Ban alcohol.
Make My Day
The high spot of the travel schedule this week (arrived home three hours ago; leaving again in twelve hours for Europe) was the chance to go to the Smith & Wesson range in Springfield again and shoot some targets. We took some colleagues there for "team building" Monday evening and engaged in a little healthy competition. The winning team received Smith & Wesson hats while the losers got a copy each of People magazine - you know, the edition with the picture of Clay Aiken on the cover with the giant headline "Yes I'm Gay".I won't bore you with the details - you can always recap on my last visit here - but as a special treat they arranged for us to shoot the Smith & Wesson 500. This is the .50 caliber revolver that re-established S&W as the manufacturer of the most powerful production handgun in the world (according to them - it's not as though I checked).This beast is loaded with five gigantic cartridges, but the range officer was only putting one round in the chamber in case the firer panicked and dropped the gun on experiencing the recoil. Bear in mind that Dirty Harry's .44 Magnum produces about 900 ft.-lb. of muzzle energy while this gun produces almost 2600 ft.-lb. with its heaviest load. A single factory round costs about $4, apparently.I didn't even realize the thing was there until late in the session and, of course, I had to have a go. The range officer put the one round in and instructed me to fire double action (without pulling back the hammer), since the trigger was sensitive. It was indeed a beast, but not hard to fire, although it's definitely not for the nervous. I put in a fresh target and loaded up with five rounds. This time I fired single action (cocking before firing) simply because it's automatic for me to do it and I forgot not to; the trigger sensitivity was fine.Below is the target - I was pretty happy with that. And I'm fairly confident that this gun would, in fact, be capable of "taking your head clean off". So go ahead - make my day, and buy me one. Please.
Money For Nothing
Having been away for more than a week, I was not surprised that there was some mail awaiting me on my return. However, since Mrs Bison had already binned all the obvious junk mail, there were only two things left - a statement which showed that my investment portfolio was now worth fuck-all, and a letter from the University where I got my MBA. The basic thrust of this letter was that they would like me to give them some money. Preferably lots of money, and on a repeated basis. In fact, they would be only too happy to deduct the money from my credit card if I would be so kind as to give them the number.I simply do not understand the concept of giving money to colleges and universities. Sure, if you're a billionaire who has an ego with its own zip code, and they're going to name an arts center after you, you may as well write a big check. (After all, you can't take it with you.) But for the rest of us this is a transaction with no upside. Let's imagine, by way of analogy, that you just bought a new car. A few weeks later you get a letter from the dealership asking if you'd like to make a donation so that people less fortunate than you can also buy a car, and so that they can build a new showroom with more comfortable seats an a coffee machine. You may be inclined to bin the letter with a snort, and an exclamation such as "They must be fucking joking!" So why is a university any different?To put this in perspective, 4-year college tuition rates rose by 7% in 2007, and have consistently risen by 50% more than the inflation rate. While automobile prices continue to fall in real terms, even as more features are added, college costs continually increase, while they find new ways to screw you. If they want to build a new school of architecture they can bloody well pay for it themselves. Colleges are incredibly wealthy - Harvard has a $35 billion endowment. If they gave away college educations for free they'd be hard-pressed EVER to run out of money. In fact they'd be able to do it entirely from the interest on their portfolio, without eating into the principal.Universities like to whine about how they use your money to help out poorer people. But how does that work? You pay for a college education not on the basis of what it's worth, or on the basis of supply and demand, but on some socialist principle of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need". If their program is too expensive why don't they reduce the cost? If the car dealership wants to help poor people get into a car they should sell cheaper cars, or cut their prices. In business we have to continually strive to cut costs in order to stay competitive. Not in the world of higher education though - they can just stick it to us with ever-higher prices while putting their hand out for more free money. The key thing is that they already have MORE than enough money to help out poorer students without guilting the rest of us into doing it for them.It won't be that long until Bison Daughter is old enough to go to college. When that time comes I know for a fact that my alma mater will swiftly move from "We love you, please give us some money" to "You earn too much, here's your giant bill". So in joyful anticipation of that moment, here's my response to your donation request: You Can Fuck Right Off.
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