Candida vaginitis is a very common problem for women, in fact, as long as more attention to personal hygiene, the use of the fragrance contains a number of health supplies, clothing and more penetrating Shuang has also helped to reduce vaginal infections.
由白色念珠菌引起念珠菌是一种霉菌,它存在於自然界及正常人的口腔、肠道、阴道及皮肤上,它存多种不同菌种,最常见引起阴道炎的是白色念珠菌。 Caused by Candida albicans is a fungus, which exists in the natural world and a normal mouth, gut, vaginal and skin, it kept a wide range of bacteria, the most common cause of vaginitis is Candida albicans. 夏日就快到,又是各种细菌活跃时间,妇女们只要多注意卫生,留意以下贴士,有助对抗阴道炎。 Summer is coming on, and is active in a variety of bacteria, as long as they pay more attention to women's health, note the following tips will help to combat vaginitis.
1.少穿紧身裤:少穿紧身或贴身的裤子如牛仔裤等,夏日宜多穿裙或松身裤,另外亦要避免穿着紧身尼龙内裤,应选择棉质内裤,这是因为女性下体阴暗潮湿,过紧的裤子令下体不通爽,女性患阴道炎机会亦会加。 1. Shaochuan tight: Shaochuan next to the skin or skin-tight pants such as jeans and so on, the more appropriate summer wear skirts or loose pants, and also to avoid wearing tight nylon underwear, cotton underwear should be selected because of female body dark and humid , The tight pants make sense Shuang lower body, women who will be the opportunity to add vaginitis.
2.别用有香味厕纸:为了减低刺激或敏感,还是用无香味的卫生用品,避免使用加添了香剂的卫生巾或厕纸。 2. Do not use scented toilet paper: In order to reduce the stimulation or sensitive, or fragrance-free health supplies, to avoid the use of the addition of a deodorant sanitary towels or toilet paper. 另外,勿胡乱使用消毒药水作清洗阴道之内,以免刺激幼嫩皮肤引致局部皮肤受损甚至发炎。 In addition, not indiscriminately use of disinfection liquid for cleansing the vagina, so as not to stimulate young skin damage and even lead to local inflammation of the skin.
3.抹下体由前至後:注意下体清洁,内裤当然一定要经常清洗乾净,如厕之後用厕纸清洁下体时,应由前至後的方向抹,避免把肛门的细菌带到阴道,引致发炎。 3. Wiped from the lower body to the former post: pay attention to cleaning lower body, underwear, of course, must be regularly cleaned, the toilet bowl with toilet paper after cleaning lower body, the former should be a major contributing factor to the direction to avoid the anus to the vaginal bacteria, Caused by inflammation.
4.夫妇共同治疗:患上阴道炎,应按医生指示,采取正确的药物治疗,如阴道塞药,外用药膏或口服药物等,假使性伴侣同时患有念珠菌感染,宜夫妇共同治疗,以避免互相传染。 4. And his wife co-therapy: suffering from vaginitis, and doctors should be instructed to take the correct medication, such as vaginal plug medicine or ointment for external use, such as oral drugs, if sexual partners at the same time suffer from candidiasis, and his wife should be a common treatment to Each other to avoid infection.
在正常的情况下,女性阴道的酸性环境有助抑制念珠菌增生。 Under normal circumstances, the acidic environment of the vagina help curb proliferation of Candida albicans. 但当阴道的酸硷度随着经期的周期而有所转变时,尤其於月经前,妇女受念珠菌感染的机会便会提高。 But when the pH of the vagina with the degree of menstrual cycle and changes, especially in the period before women Candida infection, there will be higher. 怀孕时因下体的酸硷度的改变,故孕妇较易受念珠菌感染。 When pregnant as a result of the lower body's pH change, so pregnant women are more prone to candida infection. 此外,糖尿病患者、服用口服避孕药、滥用抗生素、服用类固醇药物及抗癌药等亦较易患上阴道炎,故此务必加以留意。 In addition, patients with diabetes taking oral contraceptives, the abuse of antibiotics, steroids and drugs such as anti-cancer drugs more susceptible to vaginitis, so be sure to pay attention.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
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