Saturday, October 18, 2008
Masturbation will cause you vulvovaginitis
Would first like to say that masturbation does not necessarily lead to the perineum vaginal infections and the like, masturbation menstruation itself may not lead to such infections. 感染的可能原因包括:手淫的方式是什么,如果仅刺激阴蒂 ,一般不会造成感染,如果向阴道内捅入异物,则可能造成感染,例如,另一位女孩在手淫时常以裤带、钢笔等物捅入阴道,由于这些不洁物的刺激或它们造成的擦伤,导致感染;如果注意卫生的话,不论采取什么方式的手淫都不应该造成感染,相反,若是手或会阴不清洁,或手淫动作过于剧烈造成损伤时,感染就难免要发生了。 The infection may include: What is the way of masturbation, if only to stimulate the clitoris, generally will not cause infection, if the vagina Tongru foreign body, it may be caused by infection, for example, another girl to masturbate often Kudai, Tongru vaginal pen and other objects, as these stimulate the dirt or abrasions caused by them, leading to infection; If you pay attention to health, there was no way of masturbation should not cause infection, on the contrary, if the perineum or unclean hands, Or move too much masturbation cause severe injury, infection inevitably have taken place. 可见只有不清洁或不适当的(方式或时间或力度)手淫才有可能造成感染。 Can be seen only dirty or inappropriate (or time or effort) masturbation can cause infection. 正如性病是经由性交传染的,但问题不在于性交本身,而在于混乱的性关系。 As sexually transmitted diseases through sexual transmission, but is not a question of sexual intercourse itself, but in the confusion of sexual relations. 其实,国外有的医生还主张通过手淫获得性高潮以缓解痛经呢,可见手淫本身是没有罪过的;另外,手淫也不会引起其他身体损害,所以不必先为手淫而自责。 In fact, some doctors also abroad through masturbation orgasm was to alleviate dysmenorrhea, shows that masturbation is not a sin; In addition, masturbation does not cause other damage to the body, so do not have to masturbate for the first and self-blame. 不懂得手淫无害才是无知的表现。 Do not know how to masturbate is the sound of ignorance. 外阴阴道炎的发生主要因为机体自然的防御机制受到损伤,如外伤、化纤内裤或月经垫的摩擦、粗暴性交或手淫、滥用市面上的一些具腐蚀性的伪劣润滑剂或催欲药、异物或阴道隔膜等避孕工具的刺激、不洁的性交或阴道操作时污染、长期阴道出血或白带过多的刺激、害怕性病或总认为生殖器脏而过分地灌洗,凡此种种均可因机械的、化学的、病原微生物的、菌丛失调的因素等造成感染,其次因为机体的生理状况发生变化,如婴幼儿、经期、孕期、产褥期、绝经期等性激素低落、缺乏或失调时也易遭致感染。 Vulvovaginitis mainly due to the occurrence of the body's natural defense mechanism of injury, such as trauma, and chemical fiber underwear or menstrual pad friction, gross sexual intercourse or masturbation, abuse of the market with some of the corrosive lubricants and inferior or aphrodisiac drugs, foreign bodies Or vaginal contraceptive diaphragm, and so exciting and unclean sexual intercourse or vaginal operation pollution, the long-term leucorrhea vaginal bleeding or excessive stimulation, the fear of sexually transmitted diseases or genital think dirty and over-irrigation, these may be due to mechanical , Chemical, pathogenic micro-organisms, flora imbalance caused by factors such as infection, followed by the body because of a change in physical condition, such as infants and young children, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, such as low sex hormone, or lack of imbalance also easy to invite Infection. 此外,当身体罹患某些疾病如糖尿病时也特别容易出现这类感染,感染的细菌等多来自肛门或不洁的手,例如数过钱的手就很脏,因此便前也要认真洗手,擦试应由前向后。 In addition, when the body suffering from certain diseases such as diabetes, also particularly vulnerable to this type of infection, infection from bacteria such as anal or unclean hands, for example, had a few hands on dirty money, so they have to carefully wash their hands before , Wipe the former should be back. 作为患者自己来讲,除外阴瘙痒、疼痛(刺痛)、烧灼感、肿胀充血、走路时加重等症状外,主要表现在白带的变化,那么自己如何来判断白带的正常与否呢? As the patients themselves, with the exception of vaginal itching, pain (pain), burning sensation, swelling of congestive heart, walking, and other symptoms increase, mainly in leucorrhea changes, how to determine whether or not it leucorrhea normal? 正常时,健康女子都会具有或多或少的白带,其特点是:(1)排卵期的白带像蛋清样透明,可以拉成很长的丝;(2)月经前后可略带些红色,(3)月经后半期量少,拉丝性差。 Normal, healthy women will have more or less leucorrhea, characterized by: (1) of the ovulation period leucorrhea like egg white-like transparent, you can pull into a long wire; (2) before and after menstruation may be slightly more red ( 3) the second half of the menstrual small, poor drawing. 在青春期、月经中期、月经前期、妊娠期、量要多些,其余时间白带的量并不多。 In adolescence, the medium-term period, the menstrual period, pregnancy, the amount should be more, the rest of the day's volume leucorrhea not many. 当白带异常时首先感觉到的是颜色和气味的变化。 When the abnormal leucorrhea first could only see the color and smell. 一般带有较强烈的臭味,其颜色和性状的变化如:豆渣样改变,多见于霉菌感染;乳白有泡沫,多见于滴虫病;水样白带,炎症、特别是各种癌症时多见;脓性白带,颜色发黄,多因感染所致;若是黄绿色且有粘性,挤压尿道可见有脓性分泌物,可能为淋病所致。 General with a strong smell, its color changes and traits such as: change the kind of bean dregs, was particularly prevalent in the fungal infection; white foam are found mostly in trichomoniasis; leucorrhea water samples, inflammation, especially when many kinds of cancer See; leucorrhea purulent, the color yellow, as a result of infections caused by; if there are yellow-green and viscous, squeezing the urethra can see that there is purulent discharge, may gonorrhea caused. 褐色分泌物多伴有阴道溃疡和出血,也见于激素失调时黄体功能不全。 Brown with more than vaginal secretions and bleeding ulcer, also found hormone imbalance when luteal phase defect. 如果发现异常应及时去医院检查治疗,不经医生检查和诊断盲目用药是不行的,所以最后要提醒这位姑娘尽早在症状明显时去医院看病,千万不要因害羞而耽误了病情。 If abnormal should go to the hospital checkup and treatment in a timely manner, without medical diagnosis and treatment is not blind, so I finally want to remind the girl as soon as possible when the symptoms go to the hospital, never shy and held up as a result of the disease. 除此之外,保持每天清洗外阴的良好习惯也是很重要的。 In addition, every day to maintain the good habit of washing the vulva is also very important.
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