Saturday, October 18, 2008

Teach you to deal with seven strokes and breast hyperplasia

Recently, as the environment changes, the incidence of breast hyperplasia up soon, the city has become a disease of women a major killer. 一旦患乳腺增生症,除了疼痛、肿块外,患者在情绪上必有烦躁,易怒,恐惧等,生理上有功能下降,如性欲淡漠,月经,体力下降,尿频等,在病理上多伴有妇科病 ,子宫内膜异位症等。 Once the risk of breast hyperplasia, in addition to pain, tumor, the patient must be emotional irritability, irritability, fear, and so on, have a physiological function, such as lack of sexual desire, menstruation, physical decline, such as frequency, in the pathology more With gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis. 对此未能全身综合标本兼治,久治未果就有转为乳腺癌的危险。 This body can not practice a comprehensive, long-standing rule had failed to breast cancer risk. 怎样防止患乳腺增生,而患者怎样治愈防止癌变呢? How to prevent the proliferation of breast disease, and prevention of cancer patients how to cure it? 北京藏医院妇科 专家提醒大家: Beijing Tibetan Hospital gynecological experts remind you: 1.心理上的治疗非常重要,乳腺增生对人体的危害莫过于心理的损害,因缺乏对此病的正确认识,不良的心理因素过度紧张刺激忧虑悲伤,造成神经衰弱,会加重内分泌失调,促使增生症的加重,故应解除各种不良的心理刺激。 1. Psychological treatment is very important, hyperplasia of the breast is harmful psychological damage as a result of this lack of a correct understanding of the disease, the adverse psychological factors to stimulate concern over the tense sadness, resulting in neurasthenia, will add to endocrine disorders, to Hyperplasia of the increase should be the lifting of a variety of adverse psychological boost. 对心理承受差的人更应注意,少生气,保持情绪稳定,活泼开朗心情即有利增生早康复。 Psychological endurance of the poor people should pay even more attention, less angry and maintaining emotional stability, lively and cheerful mood that is conducive to proliferation of early rehabilitation. 2.改变饮食,防止肥胖少吃油炸食品,动物脂肪,甜食及过多进补食品,要多吃蔬菜和水果类,多吃粗粮。 2. Change in diet to prevent obesity eat less fried foods, animal fats, and too much sweet food tonic, it is necessary to eat more fruits and vegetables, eat more roughage. 黑黄豆最好,多吃核桃,黑芝麻、黑木耳、蘑菇。 The best black bean, eat walnuts, black sesame seeds, black fungus, mushroom. 3.生活要有规律、劳逸结合,保持性生活和谐。 3. To have the law of life, not do any work, to maintain a harmonious sexual life. 可调节内分泌失调,保持大便通畅会减轻乳腺胀痛。 Adjustable endocrine disorders, the stool to keep open will relieve the pain of the breast. 4.多运动,防止肥胖提高免疫力。 4. More exercise to prevent obesity increase the immune system. 5.禁止滥用避孕药及含雌激素美容用品、不吃用雌激素喂养的鸡、牛肉。 5. To prohibit the abuse of contraceptives containing estrogen and beauty products, do not eat with estrogen-fed chicken, beef. 6.避免人流,产妇多喂奶,能防患于未然。 6. To avoid people, more than breast-feeding mothers, to take preventive measures. 7.自我检查和定期复查。 7. Self-examination and review on a regular basis.

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