Fungal vaginitis are the common symptoms? 阴道分泌物增加﹐腥臭味﹐搔痒; 但并不代表有这些症状就一定是霉菌造成的, 只是它是最常见的原因。 Increase in vaginal secretions, Xingchou taste, itching; but does not mean that these symptoms must be caused by mold, but it is the most common causes.
为什么会得这种疾病﹖ Why have the disease? 一般而言﹐念珠菌平常存在于每一位妇女的阴道中﹔正常阴道中有许多嗜酸杆菌﹐它们会使不好的细菌无法生长﹔若是你生活不规律﹐饮食不正常﹐睡眠不足﹐衣著不透气﹐工作繁忙压力大﹐造成抵抗力(也就是免疫系统)减弱﹐阴道中的细菌平衡被破坏而引起的。 In general, Candida usually present in every woman's vagina; normal vaginal Many of eosinophilic bacteria, which cause the bad bacteria can not grow; if you are not the law of life, not the normal diet, lack of sleep, clothing Airtight, with heavy pressure of work, resulting in resistance (that is, the immune system) weakened vaginal bacteria balance has been caused by sabotage.
那些人先天特别容易得霉菌性 阴道炎 ﹖ Congenital those who are particularly vulnerable to a fungal vaginitis? 孕妇﹐糖尿病患者﹐长期(7天以上)服用抗生素﹐类固醇的患者﹐先天免疫不全患者﹐爱滋病患。 Pregnant women, people with diabetes, long-term (7 days) to take antibiotics, steroids in patients with congenital immunodeficiency patients suffering from AIDS.
那些人后天比较容易得霉菌性阴道炎﹖ Easier for those who acquired a fungal vaginitis? 常常使用未稀释强力杀菌剂(沙威隆﹐依必朗之类)冲洗阴道者﹐整天穿著使会阴部不透气的衣著(裤袜﹐牛仔裤﹐护垫)﹐熬夜失眠﹐睡眠不足﹔喜欢刺激性的食物(辣椒﹐咖啡﹐油炸食品)﹐有些服用避孕药的女性﹐居住环境潮湿等等。 Often did not dilute the use of strong fungicides (Shawei Long, Long accordance with the will and the like) vaginal washing, wearing all day to make gas-tight clothing perineum (Tights, jeans, pad), stay up all night insomnia, lack of sleep; like to stimulate Of food (hot pepper, coffee, fried foods), some of the women taking contraceptives, damp living conditions and so on.
没有性行为就不会得到这种疾病﹖ No sex will not get the disease? 不对。 Wrong. 念珠菌阴道炎和性行为没有关系﹐青春期前的少女和停经后的妇女﹐因为缺乏女性荷尔蒙﹐阴道抵抗力减弱﹐也会感染﹐而为阴道分泌物增加﹐与搔痒所苦。 Candida vaginitis, and nothing to do with sex, adolescent girls and pre-menopausal women, because of the lack of female hormones, weakened resistance to the vagina, will be infected, and for the increase in vaginal discharge, itching and suffering.
这是不是我或性伴侣不乾净造成的传染病﹖ This is not my partner or sexual diseases caused by unclean? 不对。 Wrong. 男性若和有念珠菌阴道炎感染的女性接触﹐只会引起生殖器局部搔痒﹐经过冲洗后﹐就没有事了。 If men and women infected with Candida vaginitis contact will only cause partial genital itching, after washing, it does not matter.
怎么样治疗霉菌性阴道炎﹖ Like how the treatment of fungal vaginitis? 经过适度冲洗(清水加少量优碘)后﹐局部抹止痒药膏﹐深部塞阴道片﹐加上口服杀霉菌药物最理想。 After an appropriate wash (plus a small amount of water superior iodide), the local anti-itching cream to clean, deep vaginal plug-chip, combined with oral drugs to kill mold the best. 没有性经验的患者﹐只能用口服及抹药治疗时﹐要选长效及第二代杀霉菌药较理想。 Of the patients did not experience can only be used to clean and oral drug therapy, to be selected and second-generation long-acting drugs to kill mold better.
我常常得到霉菌性阴道炎﹐症状改善了﹐没多久又会复发﹐是不是治不好﹖ I often get fungal vaginitis, the symptoms improved, not how long it will relapse, is not Zhibu Hao?
反覆感染念珠菌阴道炎常见的原因如下﹕ Repeatedly infected with Candida vaginitis common reasons are as follows:
(一)如果你有如上述先天或后天的原因存在﹐而你又没有将它改善﹐阴道炎就不容易治好。 (A) If you like the above-mentioned congenital or acquired causes exist, and you will not improve it, it will be difficult to cure vaginitis.
(二)不完全治疗: 许多病人经过医师第一次诊疗过后﹐症状改善许多﹐但是霉菌并未完全消灭﹐就不再回诊追踪治疗﹐过一阵又会复发。 (B) incomplete treatment: many of the patients after a doctor for the first time after the clinic, many of the symptoms improve, but not the complete elimination of mold, not to return to the attending follow-up, will have a relapse.
如何作阴道冲洗才能预防感染﹖ How to make a vaginal washing can prevent the infection? 冲洗液大约以清水加1/10的水溶性优碘﹐如果是常感染念珠菌阴道炎的妇女﹐大约一周冲洗2-3次﹐月经期每天冲洗。 Liquid rinse water to about 1 / 10 of the water-soluble iodine gifted, if often infected with Candida vaginitis in women, about 2-3 times a week wash, rinse menstrual period each day. 使阴道环境不适念珠菌生存。 Vaginal Candida does not make the environment for survival.
有白带到药房买的阴道片﹐药膏用好不好﹖ Leucorrhea a pharmacy to buy tablets of the vagina, with cream, okay? 常见阴道感染的病源可能是细菌﹐滴虫﹐霉菌等等﹐若没有经过医师内诊判断﹐错用了杀细菌﹐滴虫的阴道塞剂﹐会使霉菌长的更严重﹔某些市售止痒药膏含有可体松(俗称美国仙丹)﹐虽然有止痒效果﹐会使霉菌或细菌长的更严重﹐过几天又会搔痒﹐可谓得不偿失。 Common vaginal infection may be the source of the bacteria, trichomonas, mold, and so on, if not with the attending physician to determine that the killing wrong with bacteria, vaginal trichomoniasis Cypriot agent will mold of a more serious; some Market Itching creams containing cortisone (commonly known as the panacea of the United States), although there are anti-itching effect, bacteria or fungi cause more serious long, a few days will be itching, is worth.
阴道炎会不会感染到腹腔里面? 造成腹膜或骨盆腔发炎? Will vaginal infection inside the abdominal cavity? Caused by inflammation of the peritoneum or pelvic?
通常子宫颈口粘液有相当的保护作用, 除了极少数的细菌性阴道炎, 又不好好治疗的患者之外, 这种顾虑是不必要的. I usually cervical mucus significant protective effect, in addition to a very small number of bacterial vaginosis, without the proper treatment of patients, such worries are unnecessary.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
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