Benign prostatic hyperplasia for benign prostate hyperplasia, in general will not damage the penis of normal structure, it will not affect the endocrine function of blood vessels and nerves. 因此前列腺增生症不会影响患者的性功能,有的前列腺增生症的病人还会出现性欲增强。 Therefore, benign prostatic hyperplasia will not affect the patient's sexual function, and some patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia would appear to enhance sexual desire.
患前列腺增生症后是否还能进行性生活,应辩证地看,一方面性生活可以加重前列腺局部的充血,引起局部腺体进一步增大,可加重排尿困难的症状,严重时甚至可以引起尿潴留;另一方面如过度禁欲,使欲望无法满足,性积聚无法排泄,会使外生殖器性敏感增强,引起勃起,更容易造成前列腺的反复充血,加重前列腺增生。 Suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia but also whether their sex life should be dialectically, on the one hand, can increase the life of the prostate local congestion caused by local glands increase, increasing the difficulty of voiding symptoms, can cause serious and even urinary retention ; On the other hand, such as abstinence over, so that desire can not be met, not the accumulation of discharge, will enhance the sensitive nature of genitalia, causing an erection, the more likely cause of prostate congestive heart repeatedly, increasing the benign prostatic hyperplasia.
因此,前列腺增生症患者应根据实际情况及病情轻重,适度调节性生活,如梗阻症状较轻,病人未发生尿潴留,可保持每月2~3次性生活,如曾经发生过尿潴留或排尿困难明显,病人身体状况不佳,就应该禁止性生活。 As a result, patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia should be based on the actual situation and the severity of the disease, the appropriate changes to the nature of life, such as symptoms of less serious obstruction, no patient retention, to keep two or three times a month of life, such as have occurred in the urine or urinary retention Obviously difficult, patients in poor health, sex life should be banned.
(一)生活护理 (A) life care
1. 1. 保持乐观情绪,坚持体育锻炼,减少局部血液淤滞。 To maintain optimism, insist on physical activity and reduce local blood stasis.
2. 2. 不要憋尿,一有尿意应立即排出。 Bieniao not, there is a urine intended to be discharged immediately.
3. 3. 保持大便通畅。 Stool to keep open.
4. 4. 不宜久坐和长时间骑自行车,以免前列腺部血流不畅。 Should not be sedentary for a long time and riding a bicycle in order to avoid prostate Ministry of poor blood flow.
5. 5. 性生活不宜过度频繁。 Sex life should not be too frequent.
6。 6. 衣着要暖和,避免着凉感冒。 Warm clothing to avoid cold cold.
7. 7. 忌服阿托品一类药物,以免发生急性尿潴留。 Jifu a class of drug atropine, in order to avoid acute urinary retention.
(二)饮食疗法 (B) diet
1. 1. 饮食上注意少食甜、酸、辛辣食品,多食蔬菜、大豆制品及粗粮,适量食用鸡蛋、牛肉、种子类食物如核桃、南瓜子、葵花子等。 Food deprivation on attention to the sweet, sour, spicy food, eat more vegetables, coarse grains and soybean products, moderate consumption of eggs, beef, vegetables such as walnut seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and so on.
2. 2. 若膀胱有热,尿道涩痛,可饮用绿豆场或食绿豆粥。 If the Heat have the bladder, urethra pain Shibuya, potable fresh green beans or mung bean porridge field. 亦可用黑木耳煎汤服或凉拌黑木耳食之。 Jian Tang is also a black fungus salad or serve food on the black fungus.
3. 3. 豆瓣酱是降低前列腺增生症及肠癌发病率的良药,食之益。 Bean paste is benign prostatic hyperplasia and reduce the incidence of cancer medicine, food is beneficial.
4. 4. 禁饮酒。 Ban alcohol.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
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