Summer is vaginitis high season, many female genital itching, and abnormal leucorrhea sit uneasy with some pain when urinating or a sense of sexual intercourse does not seriously affect the quality of life. 由于社会生活方式的复杂多样,有的年轻女性甚至怀疑自己得了性病 ,但又羞于启齿,不敢到医院就诊,结果延误病情。 Due to the complexity of social life and diverse, and some young women even had their own doubts about sexually transmitted diseases, but shame, afraid to go to hospital for treatment, resulting in delay treatment.
虽然阴道炎是女性的常见病,但它可能会引起更为严重的妇科疾病 ,甚至发生癌变,因此对阴道炎千万不能轻视。 Although vaginitis is a common disease of women, but it may lead to more serious gynecological diseases, even cancer, and millions vaginitis therefore not be taken lightly. 白带异常是阴道炎的首要信号。 Vaginitis is a Baidai unusual primary signal. 黄色或黄绿色伴有脓样、臭味的白带,多见于化脓性细菌引起的阴道炎、宫颈炎及子宫内膜炎;豆腐渣样或凝乳状白带伴有外阴部奇痒,多见于阴道霉菌感染;乳白色泡沫状白带伴有外阴部瘙痒,则多为阴道滴虫感染所致。 Yellow with green or yellow pus-like, the smell of leucorrhea, found in suppurative bacterial vaginitis, and cervical endometritis; Java bean curd-like symptoms or with genital leucorrhea Qi Yang, mold found in the vagina Infection; leucorrhea with white foam-like genital itching, mostly due to vaginal trichomoniasis infection. 在日常生活中,预防阴道炎应该注意以下几点: In daily life, the prevention of vaginitis should note the following:
1、在正常的情况下,女性的阴道会自己保持酸碱值的平衡,尽量不要以清洁剂或是消毒药水清洁阴道,甚至过度刷洗。 1, in normal circumstances, women will own vaginal pH balance, so as not to disinfection liquid detergent or cleaning the vagina, or even over-brushing. 这样不仅可能破坏阴道环境的平衡,也有可能造成阴道伤害,所以平时只要以温水冲洗即可。 This will not only undermine the balance of vaginal environment, but also with the potential to cause harm to the vagina, so long as usual to warm water to wash.
2、尽量穿棉质通风的内外裤,保持干爽,平时如果分泌物不多尽量不要用卫生护垫,如果使用就一定要勤更换,以免孳生细菌。 2, as far as possible to wear cotton trousers and external ventilation, keep dry, normal, if not more secretions as much as possible not to use the pad of Health, if used on the ground must be replaced to prevent breeding of bacteria. 少吃刺激性食物:正常情况之下,我们的天然免疫系统会自动应付这些入侵的菌种,所以我们平时就要有健康均衡的饮食,少吃刺激性的食物,让免疫系统正常运动。 Eat less food irritation: Under normal circumstances, our natural immune system will automatically respond to these strains of the invasion, so we should have a normal healthy balanced diet, eat less irritating food, the immune system so that the normal movement.
3、使用抗生素一定要经过医师的同意与处方,因为抗生素虽然可以杀死细菌,却会助长霉菌的孳生,所以千万不要滥用抗生素。 3, the use of antibiotics must be agreed with the doctor's prescription, because antibiotics can kill the bacteria, but encourage the breeding ground for mold, so do not use antibiotics indiscriminately. 许多阴道炎的感染途径都是从性行为所传递的,如果性伴侣过多,就较难掌控是否感染的情况,所以只要性生活单纯,感染阴道炎几率就会大大减少。 Many of vaginal infection from sexual transmission of the, if too many sexual partners, it is difficult to control the infection, so long as the life of a simple, risk of vaginal infection will be significantly reduced. 保持心情愉快也是一种增进免疫力的好方法,另外平常的生活作息也要正常,这样才能让免疫系统正常运作。 In a good mood to keep a good way to enhance immunity, and normal routines of life to normal in order to allow the proper functioning of the immune system.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
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