Papanicolaou (Pap) smears vaginal cells
该法既可以用于检查雌激素水平,又可查找癌细胞。 The method can be used to check the level of estrogen, can find cancer cells. 从宫颈刮取细胞检查,看是否可能患癌;建议妇女每年检查一次,从初次性交或年龄18岁时开始检查。 Guaqu cells from the cervix check to see if it might be cancer; recommended for women once a year, from the initial sex or age, 18 years old when Inspection. 这种检查既安全又不费时。 This inspection is not safe and time-consuming.
阴道镜检查 Colposcopy
用10倍双筒放大镜检查子宫颈有无癌变征象,通常在巴氏检查结果异常时作该检查。 10 times with a magnifying glass double check whether cervical cancer symptoms, usually in abnormal Pap test results when the inspection. 阴道镜检查无痛、不需要麻醉,检查时间只需几分钟。 Colposcopy painless, and do not need anesthesia to check the time only a few minutes.
活检 Biopsy
子宫颈和阴道活检,通常在进行阴道镜检查时完成,以便从观察到最不正常的部位获取标本。 Vaginal and cervical biopsy, usually during colposcopy, when completed, in order to observe from the most unusual specimens access to the site. 对外阴小范围的活检可在诊断室内用局麻完成;子宫颈活检通常不需要麻醉。 The vulva of a small biopsy can be used indoors in the diagnosis of the completion of local anesthesia; cervical biopsy usually do not need anesthesia. 怀疑癌症时,要取小于6mm的组织在显微镜下检查。 Suspected cancer, we should take less than 6mm organization under the microscope examination.
宫颈管刮除术 Cervical canal curettage
用一小刮匙伸入子宫颈管刮取宫颈内膜组织。 Using a small spoon scraping the cervix into the possession of cervical Guaqu endometrium. 由病理专家在显微镜下检查,通常在阴道镜检查时完成。 By pathology experts in the examination under a microscope, usually in the timely completion of the colposcopy.
子宫颈锥形切除术(锥形活检) Resection of cervical cone (cone biopsy)
用激光器、电烙器或手术刀,在麻醉下,从子宫颈上切下12-25mm长、18mm宽的组织。 Using laser, scalpel or electrocautery, in anesthesia, cut off from the cervix at 12-25mm long, 18mm wide organizations. 锥形切除术有时用于活检结果异常,进一步诊断或切除异常组织。 Cone biopsy surgery is sometimes used to abnormal results of further diagnosis or the removal of anomalies organizations.
子宫内膜活检 Endometrial biopsy
用一金属或塑料的细管,通过子宫颈进入子宫腔,管子前后左右移动,同时在外端进行抽吸,吸出并收集子宫内膜组织,送实验室检查。 Using a small metal or plastic tube through the cervix into the uterine cavity, the tubes before and after moving around the same time, outer side aspiration, aspiration and the collection of endometrial tissue, to send laboratory. 通常可确诊异常出血的原因。 Usually can be diagnosed with abnormal bleeding. 子宫内膜活检可在诊断室完成,不需要麻醉,就像月经痉挛的感觉。 Endometrial biopsy in the diagnosis room, do not need anesthesia, just like the feeling of menstrual cramps.
子宫镜检查 Uterine examination
用一根约8mm直径的细管,通过子宫颈插入宫腔内,管中有能传送光的光纤装置用来观察黑暗的宫腔,还可有取活检的器械或电烙器。 With a diameter of about 8mm thin tube, inserted through the uterine cervix, the tube can be conveyed in the fiber-optic devices for optical observation of the dark cavity, there is also the biopsy device or electrocautery device. 通常能看到异常出血的来源或其他病变,还能取活检标本和进行缝合或切除。 Normally be able to see the source of abnormal bleeding or other diseases, but also biopsy specimens and stitching or removal. 可在诊断室完成,也可在医院与诊断性刮宫同时进行。 Can be completed in the diagnosis room, but also in hospitals and diagnostic curettage at the same time.
刮宫术(D和C) Operation curettage (D and C)
用金属扩张器扩开子宫颈以便刮匙能进入子宫刮取子宫内膜。 Metal expander expansion in order to blow open the cervix into the uterus to key Guaqu endometrium. 这种手术用于取活检,诊断子宫内膜异常,或不完全流产的治疗。 This surgery for biopsy, diagnosis of endometrial abnormalities, or incomplete treatment of abortion. 不完全流产治疗时,使用的刮匙是塑料的,在外侧端有用来抽吸的装置。 Treatment of incomplete abortion, the use of the key is to scratch the plastic in the outer side to have a suction device. 手术通常在医院用全身麻醉进行。 Surgery is usually used in hospitals for general anesthesia.
子宫输卵管造影术 Hysterosalpingography
用能在X线照片显影的显影剂,通过子宫颈注入宫腔和输卵管,用X线检查。 Can be used in the X-ray photo imaging test reagent, through the cervix into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, using X-ray examination. 常用作不孕原因检查。 Check for common causes of infertility. 检查时可能引起不适,如痉挛等,可服镇静剂。 Inspection may cause discomfort such as cramps, and so on, can serve sedatives.
超声波扫描(频率很高,以致不能听见的声波) Ultrasound scan (very high frequency such that it is no audible sound waves)
通过腹壁或阴道探测内部器官,它能反射出内部结构的图形显示在监视器屏幕上,帮助明确胎儿的情况和大小,诊断胎儿异常,多胎妊娠,输卵管妊娠, 肿瘤 、囊肿或盆腔器官的其他异常。 Through the abdominal wall or vagina to detect the internal organs, it reflected the internal structure of the graphics displayed on the monitor screen to help clear the situation and the size of the fetus, diagnosis of fetal anomaly, multiple pregnancy, tubal pregnancy, cancer, cysts or other abnormalities of the pelvic organs . 超声波扫描是无痛的。 Ultrasound scan is painless. 它也用于羊膜囊穿刺术和其他采集标本的手术。 It is also used to puncture amniotic sac and other surgical specimens.
腹腔镜检查 Laparoscopy
通过肚脐底部作一小切口,插入带光纤的可视细管进入腹腔。 At the bottom of the navel through a small incision, insert a small video with fiber-optic tube into the abdominal cavity. 用二氧化碳膨胀腹部,使腹部和盆腔器官看得更清楚。 Expansion of the abdomen with carbon dioxide so that the abdominal and pelvic organs to see more clearly. 通常腹腔镜用于确诊盆腔疼痛、不孕和其他妇科疾病的原因。 Laparoscopy is usually used for diagnosis of pelvic pain, infertility and other gynecological diseases. 腹腔镜和其他器械一起用于取活检、绝育手术和其他手术;它也可用于人工助孕时回收卵子。 Laparoscopic and other equipment used together with biopsy, surgery and other surgical sterilization; it can also be used for artificial treatment when the egg recovery. 该检查应在医院进行并需要麻醉;有些操作需要局麻,大多数使用全身麻醉。 The inspection should be carried out in hospitals and the need for anesthesia; some operations require local anesthesia, the majority of the use of general anesthesia.
后穹窿穿刺术 After the fornix puncture
穿刺针通过子宫颈后方的阴道壁刺入盆腔,通常在怀疑宫外孕时进行,确定是否有出血。 Needle through the vagina behind the cervix piercing pelvic wall, usually in suspected ectopic pregnancy when carried out to determine whether there is bleeding. 该项检查一般在急诊室进行,不用麻醉。 The general examination in the emergency room, no anesthesia.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
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