Saturday, October 18, 2008
How to use the diaphragm
Diaphragm before use, the first by a doctor to do gynecological examination, according to the size of the vagina to choose the appropriate model on a trial basis into the diaphragm, and then under the guidance of a doctor in the Institute and out into the methods, until fully able to master the use of date. 如果选用的型号合适,放入后站立、走动、蹲、坐都没有不舒服的感觉,阴道隔膜在阴道内的位置就不会改变。 If you choose the appropriate model into after standing, walking, squatting, sitting did not feel uncomfortable, and diaphragm in the vagina on the location will not change. 放置阴道隔膜前须先排尿,把手洗干净,检查阴道隔膜有无破损现象,然后在阴道隔膜上及弹簧圈上涂上避孕药膏,这样从阴道隔膜边缘进入隔膜内的精子就能被避孕药膏杀死。 Diaphragm placed before voiding, the clean hand to check whether the damaged diaphragm, and then in the diaphragm and coil coating on the pill cream, so from the diaphragm into the divide within the edge of the sperm will be able to have been killed contraceptive cream Death. 放置阴道隔膜多数采取站立弯腰的姿势,即一只脚踩在凳子上。 Diaphragm placed to take most of the bending of the standing position, that is, at the foot of a bench. 也可采用坐式、蹲式或平卧式。 May also sit-and-squat or horizontal level. 放置阴道隔膜时应先将两腿分开,用右手拇指、食指和中指将阴道隔膜捏成狭长形,左手分开阴唇,然后将其沿阴道后壁送入阴道内;弹簧圈的后缘一直顶到阴道后上部,用食指将弹簧圈紧紧托住阴道顶部,恰好把子宫颈盖住,再把阴道隔膜的弹簧圈前缘向上顶在耻骨后面,最后用手指进入阴道内检查阴道隔膜是否将子宫颈盖好,如果没有盖好,应取出重放。 Diaphragm should be placed first legs separated from the right hand with the thumb, index and middle fingers will be long and narrow shape Niecheng diaphragm, to separate the left labia, and then along the posterior wall of the vagina into the vagina; coil has been trailing edge of the roof After the vagina to the upper, with the index finger to hold tightly coil at the top of the vagina, just to cover the cervix, vagina and then divide up the top front coil in the back of pubis, the last finger into the vagina to check whether the diaphragm Will cover the cervix, in the absence of cover should be removed replay. 阴道隔膜放好后即可进行性交,性交后8-12小时才能取出,否则仍有怀孕可能,但最长不宜超过24小时。 Diaphragm can be placed after sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse after 8-12 hours to remove, or else there might be pregnant, but should not be up more than 24 hours. 取出阴道隔膜的姿势同放入时一样,用洗净的手指伸入阴道内钩住弹簧圈轻轻向阴道外拉出即可。 Remove the diaphragm into the same position as when the use of clean fingers into the vagina coils hook inside the vagina to gently be pulled apart. 阴道隔膜取出后用温水或肥皂水洗净擦干,扑上滑石粉放在洁净干燥的盒子中,以备下次再用。 After the diaphragm out with warm water or soapy water to wash dry, clean Pushang powder dry on the box, and then for the next. 一般来说,一个阴道隔膜可以反复使用两年。 In general, a diaphragm can be used repeatedly for two years. 阴道隔膜不要接触油类物质(如凡士林),以免损坏乳胶膜。 Do not touch diaphragm substances other than oil (such as Vaseline), so as to avoid damage to the film emulsion. 阴道隔膜的优点是安全,没有副作用,长期使用对身体健康无影响,也不影响性生活。 Diaphragm has the advantage of safety, no side effects, long-term use had no effect on the health or life of the impact. 由于阴道隔膜的使用方法比较麻烦,目前使用者还不多。 As the diaphragm use is too much trouble to not more than the current user.
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