Hyperplasia of the breast cancer into a very small probability
最近,许多单位都安排职工进行一年一次的身体检查,许多女性都被医生提醒:“你的乳腺有些增生啊。”这让很多女士非常紧张,生怕和乳腺癌挂上钩。 Recently, a number of units a year for workers arranged medical check-ups, many women have been reminded doctors: "You are some of the hyperplasia of the breast ah." This President is a lot of tension, fear of breast cancer and attach. 专家认为,大家大可不必这么紧张,由乳腺增生演变成癌症的概率很小,只要注意调整自己的情绪,舒缓压力,再配合一些治疗,乳腺增生是不会威胁健康的。 Experts believe that we need not be so nervous by the proliferation of breast cancer into a very small probability, as long as attention to the adjustment of their emotions, to ease the pressure, together with some of the treatment of breast hyperplasia is not a threat to health.
■70%到90%的女性有乳腺增生问题 ■ 70% to 90% of women have problems breast hyperplasia
从目前的情况看,乳腺增生的发病率一直呈现上升的趋势。 At present, the incidence of breast hyperplasia has been on an upward trend. 以前,有这种问题的多半是20岁以上到50岁左右的女性,但现在乳腺增生的病人出现了明显的年轻化,在十几岁的少女中也不少见。 In the past, such issues are mostly over the age of 20 to 50-year-old female, but the proliferation of breast patients showed a clear trend towards younger, teenage girls are not uncommon. 乳腺增生病人主要以中青年女性为主。 Hyperplasia of the breast patients mainly young and middle-aged women. 虽然在这方面没有普遍、具体的调查,但从医院的体检门诊情况来看,有乳腺增生问题的女性可以占到全部来检查女性的70%到90%,如此看来,发病率是相当高的。 In this regard, although not common, specific investigation, but the hospital out-patient medical point of view, there is proliferation of breast problems can account for all women to check the women's 70% to 90% in the case, the incidence is very high The.
■精神因素的影响很大 ■ spirit of the big factors
造成乳腺增生的原因非常复杂,专家们的看法到目前为止也不完全一致,但有两个因素是大家都比较认同的。 Hyperplasia of the breast caused by the very complex reasons, the experts view so far is not exactly the same, but there are two factors that we all agree with the comparison. 一个是内分泌紊乱,如果女性体内卵巢分泌的激素量不太正常,就容易出现这种毛病。 One is the endocrine disorder, if the female body ovarian secretion of the hormone is not the normal volume, it is easy to this problem. 内分泌紊乱的表现还有月经量过多或过少、经期不是很准确等等。 Endocrine disorder of the performance of the amount of menstrual there too much or too little, menstruation is not very accurate, and so on.
另外一个重要的因素就是精神因素。 Another important factor is the mental factor. 以前大家日子过得都差不多,干一样的活,拿一样的钱,没有太多利益上的冲突。 Before you life are almost dry, like a living, get the same money, not too many conflicts of interest. 现在则不同,社会在不断进步,每个人的待遇、机会各不相同,人们很难保持心态的平和。 Now, society is continually growing, everyone's treatment, the opportunity to vary, it is difficult to maintain the calm state of mind. 而且,现代人的精神压力普遍很大,社会对每个人的要求都在提高,而女性面临工作、人际关系、家庭等状况也可能不再像以前那样平稳,而是充满了变动的因素,一些女性因而出现由精神因素引发的内分泌失调、植物神经紊乱,睡不好觉、脾气暴躁,这些都会对乳腺产生不良影响。 Moreover, the modern spirit of the great universal pressure, the community's everyone's demands are increased, while the women face, interpersonal relationships, family status, and so may also not so stable, but is full of changes, some of the Women emerged from the spirit of the factors that caused endocrine disorders, autonomic disorders, sleep feel bad, bad temper, they will have a negative impact on the breast. 还有,现在人们的饮食好了,有高血压、高血糖病的人也很多,这也容易使女性出现内分泌失调,雌激素、黄体酮水平和腺体结构都出现一定程度的紊乱。 In addition, it is now a good diet, high blood pressure, high blood sugar disease, many people, this is easy to make women appear endocrine disorders, estrogen, progesterone level and structure of the glands have a certain degree of disorder.
■乳腺增生并不等于乳癌,有乳腺增生的女性需要警惕四种情况 ■ hyperplasia of the breast does not mean that breast cancer, female breast hyperplasia of the need to guard against four types of situations
乳腺增生和乳腺癌是否有直接的关系,现在仍然不能确定。 Hyperplasia of the breast and breast cancer if there is any direct relationship is still uncertain. 有专家认为,囊性乳腺增生在发展中增生的组织不断坏死,身体受到这种慢性刺激,会不会出现癌变是很难说的。 Some experts think that cystic hyperplasia of the breast in the development of the proliferation of organizations necrosis, chronic stimulation by this body will not have cancer is hard to say. 不过,从目前的研究看,大约只有3%到5%的增生病人出现乳腺癌。 However, the current study, only about 3% to 5% of the proliferation of breast cancer patients. 从另一个方面看,因为乳腺癌是发展很缓慢的癌症,在什么措施都不采取的情况下,它也需要33个月才能发生,所以,即使有乳腺癌,只要积极治疗也是有解决办法的,病人的思想负担不用太大。 From another perspective, because breast cancer is very slow development of cancer, what measures are not taken, it needs 33 months to occur, so that even if there is breast cancer, aggressive treatment as long as there is a solution The patient's burden of not thinking too much.
有乳腺增生的女性如果同时具备下面几种情况就需要警惕了:一是出现乳腺增生的时间较长,二是增生的结节摸上去很多很明显,三是自己的年龄是在40到60岁之间癌症高发期,四是有家族史,如果兼有这几个因素,女性就应该特别注意身体的变化,免得危及健康。 There hyperplasia of the breast at the same time, if women have the following situations will require vigilance: either a long time proliferation of the breast, and the other is nodular hyperplasia feels a lot Obviously, his third in the age 40-60 years old Between the high incidence of cancer, there is a family history of four, if the combination of these factors, women should pay special attention to changes in the body, to avoid endangering the health.
■每个月自我检查乳腺非常重要 ■ monthly breast self-examination is very important
对于普通女性,乳腺的自我检查是非常重要的。 For ordinary women, the breast self-examination is very important. 一个月应该找一个时间平躺或坐下来,用4个手指并拢,平着捋自己的乳房,感觉一下有没有哪个部位有异物感,如果摸起来不太平就可能是长结节的位置。 One should look for a time to sit down or lie flat, with 4 fingers, feet close together and their level of the breast stroke, you feel there are parts which do not have a foreign body sensation, if not feels at peace may be long on the nodule.
检查的时候要特别注意乳房的外上方,因为这个部位腺体 Check the time to pay special attention to the outside top of the breast, as part of the gland
最多,有45%的乳腺增生会发生在这里。 Up to 45% of the hyperplasia of the breast will happen here. 除了外上方较常见外,内上方、内下方、外下方和乳晕处都可能出现增生。 In addition to the top of the more common, with the top, with the bottom, outside and below the areola Department hyperplasia can occur. 有的女性会随着月经的变化,乳房出现胀、轻微的疼痛,这是很正常的现象。 Some women as menstrual changes bulging breasts appear, minor pain, which is quite normal.
有结节但不是弥漫性的,结节不多不硬,可以采取吃中成药的方法治疗或是吃一些西药调节内分泌。 There are nodules, but not the diffuse, non-small hard nodules which can be taken to eat the Chinese medicine treatment or to eat some of the endocrine regulation of Western medicine. 如果是弥漫性的严重增生,经常疼痛,吃药也没有好转,而且持续的时间达到二三年,可以选择手术解决这个问题。 If the diffuse hyperplasia serious and often pain medication does not improve, and achieve sustained period of time in 2023, can choose to surgery to solve this problem. 医生一般建议,结节摸起来很多,范围非常广泛,同时合并淋巴问题,有血性分泌物出现或有乳腺癌家族史的女性做手术,同时,在手术的过程中进行病理检查,排除癌症的风险。 Doctors generally recommended that feels a lot of nodules, a very extensive lymph merger at the same time, there appear bloody secretions or family history of female breast cancer surgery at the same time, in the course of surgery for pathological examination, rule out cancer Risk. 如果自己属于这种比较严重的情况,但又不愿意做手术,那么需要每3到6个月就到医院检查一次,避免出现恶化。 If you belong to such a serious situation, but they do not want an operation, then every 3-6 months for a check to the hospital to avoid deterioration.
女性要保持有规律的生活,不让自己过于疲劳,同时,学着放松心态,自己给自己减轻负担,才是更健康的生活方式。 Women to maintain regular life, not to be too tired at the same time, learn to relax state of mind, to own their own to alleviate the burden, is a healthier way of life.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
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